Face Fitness - exercises for facial muscles, exercises for the face

 Beauty face - one of the principal assets of our appearance. A faint smile, flirty bending eyebrows, a glimpse - and the man is ready for you to much. Alas, the age we are not so sure of their charm. The reason for that - the experience of previous years, reflected on the face of a sad drooping corners of the lips, angry wrinkles on the forehead, crow's feet around the eyes. We start thinking about Botox and other surgical methods restore youthful face hoping to quickly find their attraction. Do not rush. Try an alternative way to get rid of wrinkles and sagging skin - fitness for the face, which now tells women's magazine JustLady.

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We all know that in order to figure was toned and slim, you need to play sports, to keep muscles toned. And we do it. But we do not think about that on our face muscles too, that require attention. Of course, they are working as we speak, frown, laugh or even sleep. But the fact that their activity is not uniform: in the main load is on the same facial muscles, due to which connective tissue overreach, wrinkles appear. So let us not put offexercises for the muscles of the faceThat have helped many women back beauty of the face without surgery, self-confidence and its appeal! These exercises have a lot of advantages. Firstly, they are completely safe, which is not true about the operation. Secondly, they are extremely effective and this effect is not a one-off and long. Finally, they are completely free and available to each of us.

You can performexercises for the face at home in front of the mirror, at work at the computer, in the car, waiting for the plug. In general, wherever and whenever you want. The main thing is to do it every day, it is best in the morning and evening. Effect offitness Face will be noticeable within 2 weeks of active exercise: to improve the complexion, disappear swelling under the eyes, cheeks and catch up with the double chin, wrinkles become less pronounced.

Let's start ...

Exercises for eyes

1. The exercise can be done sitting or standing. Place the middle finger between the eyebrows over the bridge, a little push. Index put on eye corners and gently push too, but do not make the folds. Soschurte lower eyelid. If done correctly, you will feel the beat of the eye muscles. Relax your eyelids. Again, repeat soschurivayuschee movement. Women's magazine suggests JustLady do this exercise 10 times.

2. Starting position - the same thing. Middle fingers - on the nose, demonstrative - slightly pressed against the corners of the eyes. Strongly zazhmurte and count to 40. Relax your eyelids.

These Areexercises for the muscles of the face train the upper and lower eyelids, prevent the overhang of the upper eyelid, reduce swelling and make your eyes wide open.

Exercises for the forehead

1. Place 3 fingers of both hands on his forehead, so that ring fingers were above the eyebrows. Press lightly. Now lift the eyebrows and fingers pull the skin down. Feel the tension? That'S Perfect! Repeat the exercise 20 times.

2. Place your fingers between the eyebrows on the nose. Pressing, move the eyebrows up and down. Make 20 movements.

3. Nahmurtes. Then lift your eyebrows as high as possible and widely open eyes. Repeat this 7 times.

Such aexercises for the face prevents the appearance of wrinkles on the forehead and between the eyebrows, reduces existing and raises his eyebrows.

Exercises for cheeks

1. Pull the lips forward and round them in the "tube". Then wider smile, stay in this position for a few seconds, and then round the lips. This exercise trains the muscles of the cheeks and helps prevent them sagging.

2. At 10 seconds, pull your cheeks. Then 10 seconds inflate them. Do this exercise 10 times.

Exercises for lips

1. This exercise - one of the most effective infitness Face. It pretty quickly helps to cope with drooping corners of the mouth. It can be done sitting or standing. So, open your mouth wide and give it an oval shape. The upper lip is pressed against the teeth. Now try to smile at the corners of the mouth. Smile thus 10 times. If done correctly, you will feel a burning sensation in the corners of the mouth. Leave the mouth in the same position. Now forefingers walk around the corners of the mouth, counting to thirty.

2. Pull the lips in a kiss. Hold this position for a few seconds. Then smile widely, without opening his teeth and pulled the corners of his mouth. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

3. This exercise will help keep toned circular muscle of the mouth, which is responsible for the elasticity of the shape of the lips. Pronounce the letter "a", "o", "y", "s", making sure that the lip is not stretched or compressed.

Exercises for the neck and chin

1. Sit up straight, head zaprokinte ago. Open and close your mouth, making a chewing motion. Feel as tense muscles? Perform 20 times.

2. Sit up straight, straight. Pull the lower jaw forward. Begin to move the jaw to the right and to the left. Do 20 times.

3. Starting position - the same thing. Zaprokinte head back so feel muscle tension. Return to starting position. Repeat 35 times. In order to bring the muscles in tone women's magazine JustLady advises the exercise 2 times a day. If you have a problem with a double chin, then 3 times.

These Areexercises for the face occupy a special place, because they help to cope with the problem of double chin and sagging neck.

Followexercises for the face every day, and soon you'll be pleasantly surprised by the positive changes in your appearance!

 Marina Kremer
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: muscle, exercise, review, gymnastics