Afro-jazz - new dance trend in fitness

 Dance is an art - which each is associated with beauty, ease and health. It is difficult to imagine a complete dancer, who has obvious problems with the plastic - in this case, her dance is far from ideal. Therefore, many women today go to dance schools and studios to lose those extra pounds. This is an important, but not the only reason. In the ballroom of us drives boredom, search for something new - dating skills, self-awareness. And for the character of every man there is a dance that will lead to his spiritual balance and physical performance. Women's magazine JustLady offers to talk about jazz - African dance, which became popular in America, and, in particular, of its variants such as the Afro-jazz.

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Jazz is inherently multicultural dance that synthesized a set of directions - it has and African rhythm and classical and folk elements. Accordingly, there is a Latin jazz - dance in which the elements are combined with jazz samba, funky jazz - an option for youth who spends time at the disco, swing jazz - pair dance, filled with a special passion.Afro-jazz can be called one of the classic, "native" versions of jazz, as it offers refer to elements of African ethnic dances.

Like many folk dances,Afro-jazz - It is a way people express their thoughts, feelings and emotions with the help of movements. You can see in it a lot of interesting links: relaxed, wide pelvis movements common to many native dances, in this way trying to attract the attention of the opposite sex. Movement directed downwards, as Africans God is not in heaven, and in earth. Afro-jazz - is a layer of culture that makes professionals and simple curiosity genuine interest.

Afro-jazz - new dance trend in fitness

Coaches argue that danceAfro-jazz not so difficult - after all, a workout in the fitness clubs are not designed for professionals and for beginners. The complexity increases gradually, if not to miss a class, it is quite possible to adjust. To dance was natural, you need to relax, and then start getting all by itself. ThatAfro-jazz - Not classical dance, and ethnic, adds to his simplicity. Precise movements are not so much, much more important than a sense of rhythm and of course the hot African mood.
Each lesson for African jazz begins and ends with stretching. This is very important because Afro-jazz implies broad, sweeping motions that can be performed only warmed up properly.

Be prepared for the fact that the sessions can be conducted barefoot - only razuvshis, you can feel firm contact with the floor, feel your body without any obstacles. Our feet - a map of the whole organism, many nerve receptors, excess stimulation of which never hurts.Afro-jazz will remove the emotional and muscle tension, improve the coordination of movements. The more you master the dance ligaments, the more intense will be the training, the more calories you will lose. All muscles are developed under such a load evenly.

Needless to say about the powerful energy with which you will face once triedAfro-jazz. Music, setting, mood - all this will blow you away and swallow in an energetic, impulsive dance where the rhythm beats itself dancer's body.Afro-jazz change your life, you will become more energetic, you will improve memory and reaction, the figure will be tightened, you learn to feel and understand themselves.

Afro-jazz more and more often appears in the schedule of fitness clubs, as it allows customers to try something really new and different. Today, it is difficult to surprise us, but Afro-jazz capable of it. They can engage in the home: already has several video tutorials that allow you to learn some chords at home. In addition, offers Internet videos with master classes for this type of dance. Do not deny yourself the opportunity to join the new fitness trends, try new, because the constant movement - this is our whole life.

Tatiana Karpova
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: music, direction, fitness, dance, jazz