Roller Skates: how to choose

Roller Skates: how to choose
 Bad weather that lasts in our latitudes up to six months or more, until the summer gives way to a sunny, clear and warm. What is not a reason to spend time in the fresh air? Diversify leisure, you can use inline skates, which, moreover, are an excellent way to maintain the body in good shape. The main thing is not to get injured while riding. And it needs to be careful to choose the right roller skates.

Most of the girls, choosing clips, attach great importance to the design. Meanwhile, there are more important than appearance, characteristics of roller skates.

The main criterion when choosing a roller skate is preferred riding style. Skates are divided into those that are designed for aggressive skating, speed skating, ice hockey, there are so-called training, as well as for friskeyta, slalom and fitness. For beginners, with a style that has not yet been decided, the rollers are recommended for fitness. Prices for these models are usually low.

Skates for fitness can be hard or soft shoes. Solid shoes are made of molded plastic, soft - resemble high top sneakers, but they have a rigid frame to support the legs. For beginners is better to choose rollers with soft boots that are easy, comfortable and "breathe". These disadvantages are smaller as compared with solid shoes, strength, and a tendency to strain. By the way, have washed soft boots together with a frame, removing only the wheels. These shoes should be thoroughly checked for lateral support. To do this, put on roller skates, to fix the clip and heel strap, and then try to "fill up" skates to the inner and outer side of the foot.

An important element of roller skates frame is made of metal or plastic. Lightweight metal frame help to develop high speeds, but, unfortunately, have a low depreciation. Plastic frames, in contrast, good cushioning, the foot so they do not feel the vibration. Lack of metal frames is that they tend to bend, but not so on the plastic. Newcomers better to choose a frame made of plastic. They are heavy, do not give dispersed, not prone to deformation, threatened only scratches and cracks appear only when the "maximum endeavors."

Separately, you can talk about skating with removable frames, which can be changed if necessary. It is important to remember that the fixing of such frames should be checked before each ride, to avoid injury due to the weakening of screws.

Among the modern roller skates, you can also find models with standard mounting frames to shoes. Think about how to select videos from this feature if you plan to try their hand at different styles of riding.

Choosing rollers, pay attention to the stiffness and wheel diameter, denoted by a slash at the wheels themselves: first diameter, followed by stiffness. For inexperienced skaters fit the diameter of 76-82 mm. Larger diameter is used in cross-country skating and is not recommended for beginners. Unfortunately, the smaller the diameter, the lower depreciation. Stiffness of the wheels for beginners recommend choosing the range 78-80A. High rigidity suitable for more experienced skaters. Among other things, it is important to have bearings mounted your skate wheels. The higher their accuracy class, the easier it is possible to develop a high speed. For skates fitness classes are most commonly used bearings with "fifth" and "seventh" accuracy class. Wheel bearings and roller skates pretty quickly wear out and require replacement.

There are additional features that need to look for when choosing skates. If you want to ride in comfort, look for a system of "anti-shock", which improves the damping characteristics of roller skates. And for those who value maneuverability and stability, it may be advisable to purchase videos with the system "rokeringa."

Pick up roller skates, in which you will be comfortable to ride, it is possible only through many trying, even knowing appropriate to your specifications. Size must be chosen so that the skates tightly sitting on his leg. For this fitting is required to be carried out on socks that you will wear them. Well, for children can be purchased sliding roller skates, the size of which will grow with the child's foot.

It is strongly recommended to choose the videos only known, reliable companies, and buy them in specialized sports stores. Substandard counterfeit market, as a rule, not too comfortable, unreliable and increase the risk of injury.

Tags: skate, roller