Means at hand instead of simulators

Means at hand instead of simulators
 Do you think that aerobics and Pilates is not serious? Here strength exercises - it's great, it gives real results! Only you do not have the money, time and effort to ensure that access to the fitness - center. And so you continue to lie on the couch, looking sadly at the tightened figure actresses and TV presenters. Consider that it's over! In every house there are objects that can replace most advanced simulators.

The simplest option is to replace the conventional dumbbells plastic bottles filled with water. Adding or, conversely, pouring water, you can adjust the weight with which you work. And then everything is easy, choose a sports magazine favorite set of exercises with dumbbells and forth to perfection. If only you were comfortable to hold bottles.

Now take a strong rolling pin with rotating handles, and that's before you gymnastic roller. This is a simple and extremely effective trainer. Especially heavy burden when working with this tool get abdominal muscles. Furthermore they involve muscles of the back, chest, arms and legs. Since rolling pin as opposed to the present does not have a rubber roller depreciation underneath her mat or towel. Get on your knees, put in front of a rolling pin and gently lean forward, rolling it in front of him. Then, straining muscles of the back and the press, roll the rolling pin back. Each time you breathe in is tilted, when straightening exhale. Repeat 10-15 times. The only restriction is still rolling pin is not designed for heavy loads. And if you weigh more than 70 kg, alas, this shell is not for you.

Next Super simulator - a towel. Take hold of the ends of the towel, put his foot on the middle and lift your hands up against the resistance. Exercise like working with a barbell.

If you find a second towel, then you can very well work out the chest muscles. A necessary condition - smooth floor, such as laminate, parquet or linoleum. The main thing that the towel is good for him to slip. Get on your knees, put two towels folded in front of him. Put on a hand towel. Pressing and plant hands to the sides at the same time, as if performing a layout with dumbbells. Fingers during the exercise should be directed forward. Climbing up, bring your hands to the starting position. When you become this exercise with ease, make it more difficult. Follow the wiring, not kneeling, but simply on straight legs

Thin waist and flat tummy you provide exercise "lumberjack". In the gym for an exercise trainer responds with a complex system of blocks. Houses can try to replace it with a conventional pillow. The main thing that the pillow was not the easiest Holofayber packed and full feather. Take a pillow in his hands and expanding body, lower it to the left leg. Now straightening unfolding body in the opposite direction and lift the pillow on his outstretched hands to eye level. Immediately return to starting position. Do two sets of 10 repetitions on each side. Do the exercises at a fast pace, and you will feel how the muscles bark and obliques.

Hands must also be beautiful. Low sofa or couch replace your gymnastic bench. You may perform a reverse push-ups that are working on the triceps. Stand with your back to the couch, put your hands on the edge. Legs extended. Slowly bend and unbend his hands, dropping to the floor of the pelvis. Repeat 5-10 times.

Well, now you can watch on TV beauties with a sense of easy superiority. After doing regularly, you will reach the same remarkable results and completely free.

Tags: leg, arm, tool, hand, trainer, henchman, towel, dumbbells, exercise, rolling pin