To set the mount on a snowboard, you must first determine the appropriate rack you. If you ever ride a skateboard, try to remember - what was the leading leg, ie the one you put up front? If such an experience you had, then ask someone from the surrounding suddenly push you from behind. That leg, you instinctively thrust forward, and will support. If it's left leg, your desk is called "regular" if the right - that "goofy." The correct definition of the rack is incredibly important to adjust the bindings.
Determination of the angle fasteners depends on how you plan to ride. Adjusting the angle mounts usually by screwing, unscrewing the screws at the base mounting. For beginners, the best rake angle stanet15-20 degrees, and rear - 10 degrees. For freeriders, these numerical values have to be reversed.
Determination of the proper rack width depends on your height and angle mounts. Recently, manufacturers make snowboarding appropriate markup - rack widths are recommended for specific model snowboard. If your snowboard does not have such an advantage, then you just need to align the bindings and boots in the middle of the board (this is called centering).