How to mount ski bindings

How to mount ski bindings
 In winter, on the street one of the most popular activities is skiing. Therefore, it would be nice to be able to set their own ski bindings.
 Fastenings for skis are available in three types: rigid, semi-rigid and soft. Soft now hardly used, since they do not provide the ability to accurately and quickly control the skis. Modern attachment are rigid metallic devices that are well fixed ski boots.

In order to select a good mount, be sure to check it for cracks, quality of performance and durability of the bow fastening spikes.

After buying the attachment can begin to install. First, find the center of gravity of skiing, balance it on the blade of a knife, a ruler or a screwdriver. The longitudinal axis of the ski must converge with the longitudinal axis of the shoe, which is inserted in the holder, and the front edge of the bracket - the line of its center of gravity. The longitudinal axis of the shoe - a line that runs between the rear point of the contour of the heel and the big and second toes.

It also follows that the welts ski boot fits closely to the side faces of the mounting brackets. Tighten the front screw that attaches the bracket to the ski. When the shoe is inserted into the mount, check it for shoe heel position relative to the cargo area; need him to not go to the side. Next, check whether the longitudinal axes converge skis and boots. Screw in and tighten the remaining screws. At the base of the ski boot drill holes, which will target the stud bracket.

If you have plastic skis, then mount them on the set as well as on wood. Just before screwing the screws into the holes necessary for them to drip glue BF or epoxy resin. You can also do this if the screws on the old wooden skis become loose and relaxed.

Wait until the glue is dry, and test new ski bindings.

Tags: mount, ski