How to learn to sit down on a twine at home

How to learn to sit down on a twine at home
 In order to be able to do the splits, you should exercise. Necessary stretching exercises able to overpower anyone, regardless of age, to which it relates.  
 Older people will be able to learn the exercises for two or three months, and the kids will master these techniques much earlier. Should take into account the caveat that attempts to catch the full splits are contraindicated for people who are subject to certain diseases the spine; having a fracture in the pelvis, legs, or high blood pressure.

In addition, if a person starts to feel a little bit worse, learning ways to do the splits, it is imperative to stop the occupation. But what can be a useful implementation of such exercises in the walls of your own home? For example, the fact that the process of development of both simple and complicated lessons will be more easy, comfortable and, of course, timely. In addition, will be much stronger and more flexible muscles, decrease the risk of stretching the tendons purchase and other muscle injuries received for bruises and falls.

But how do the splits at home? First of all, we should recognize the undeniable fact that sit on the full splits on the first day of classes should not be, because you can injure your muscles. You must first thoroughly prepare and implement a certain amount of training. For the most effective implementation of the preparatory process, which can take more than one week, to employment should begin only after warming up the muscles. Contribute to heating up the muscle tissue can walk or a warm bath.

In the role of basic exercises are the sorts of kicks. Execute them quite simple: you want to move the total weight of your own body on one leg, and the second lift at the maximum height. Do not worry if it does not turn initially foot raised above the level of its own zone. Over time, should try to achieve the main goal - to raise each leg above the level of his shoulders. Mahi should be carried out to the side, back and forth. Back and legs when performing strides must be kept straight.

The second type of activities involves the slopes to the floor. In this case, one foot must be placed on any surface, which is on par with a belt man. Then change the leg. Do not worry if at the beginning will not adequately perform this exercise. But it must be done punctually.

The third type of training is the need to sit down on the string until such time as the start to emerge pain. Perform any of the above classes must be in a day, giving them a half hour. After a couple of weeks of training will be the first to enjoy the results.

Tags: domestic, condition, stretching, fashion, twine, exercise