How to choose ski boots size

How to choose ski boots size
 Often lovers of skiing believe that buying expensive and good skiing, you can immediately go on a ski slope. And they are disappointed when their passion does not bring satisfaction due to uncomfortable shoes. Integral part of the equipment are the skier ski boots that are quite difficult to pick up.
 The main thing when buying ski boots - to sit well on the leg, anywhere it is not compressed, were warm and easy to remove. Therefore it is very important to choose shoes in size.

First we need to determine the style of shoes, of which there are two types: classic and skating skiing. Shoes classic style of the same type, so the price is much cheaper than the ridge. In sports stores such footwear range is small. Mainly designed for classic brief ski trips or walks in the woods. Skating style shoes already implies professional sports, when they are selected important to the foot of them was comfortable, because when doing it is in constant motion.

Best place to buy shoes in the evening, because at the end of the working day at the feet is a large flow of blood, and your feet will have a maximum size. If you make a selection of shoes in the morning, then in the evening boots can start to put pressure on the leg. Try on shoes is better in warm socks.

If you can order the athletic shoes through an online store, then not to be mistaken with the size, you can measure the leg as follows: in the evening at the foot wear warm socks, put on album sheet and carefully cut around the foot with a pencil. Carry out the procedure to be sitting on a chair or standing, and it is better to ask Comrade foot circle. In order to avoid distortions of the size of the foot can not squat.

In order to measure the distance to the circled the track, you need to put a small dot in the middle of the heel, and the second - where it ends the longest finger. Using a ruler to connect the dots and see how much it would centimeters. Now, on any site, you can choose your favorite shoes, of course, in the presence of a suitable size.

Tags: Internet, size, style, shoes