Firstly, it is important to realize that you live, me, doing something mainly for myself, not for anyone. To begin understand what you like to itself that it draws you into itself. Start finally act - go to courses, get him.
Forget for a moment about her husband - let him feel that ceased to be the center of the universe for you. This will spur a man, because he is used to having your whole world revolves solely around him, and suddenly everything changed. He would have to fight for you and zavoevyvat- but it is so refreshing feeling!
Now you only have to be the center of his own inner world. Change for the better, become friendly, interesting itself. Think about what else you do not have, and you look just that. Personal development is a very important step. Understand that you are unique and individual, show it to the world, and first of all - her husband. Always try to look perfect and stylish. Even in his dressing gown and slippers, you should be welcome.
Another important step - it is self-esteem. Begin to treat yourself with respect and will soon see, the husband will be more cherished treat you and return doubly radiated love and affection.
Show husband that you are without it will have a great time - you have a huge number of relatives and friends ... Be closer to them, and give my warm feelings. After all, these people are in a difficult situation, you will support the effort.
To awaken new feelings, show a man that he is only in third place in your list of values - after you and your loved ones. There is nothing that spurs man as the need to fight. After all, he certainly wants to become the first - is male psychology. The only way to awaken the interest of the husband and awaken in him a new feeling.