Characters: grandmother-watchman, therapist, cardiologist, ENT, Commissar, a nurse.
Grandma (meets at the door, blocking the entrance).
What do not you see? - Lunch Time.
You are on the record or not?
How many of you here zhenishok?
What do you have? pressure? Shock?
Ouch! Help Call an ambulance!
According to "03" rather call!
This is necessary so to fall in love,
To want to get married!
The second shoe to get,
And then do not have time to wash,
Hodyut sorts all day.
Here, boots on, put on.
Yes, and your guard.
Money, honey, do not be sorry.
sells boots, all of which must be worn)
I feel, my dear, the heat in the chest
By cardiologist go,
to the therapist, to the commissar,
and then - in a quiet reception.
Therapist. (Meets on the first landing, inspect the groom)
The pupils are wide, large eyes,
Strong hands. In what!
Nerves right? Pulse - above the norm!
Know, is not a joke, sick, you get excited.
Well, we will treat you.
To begin with - no drinking, no smoking,
As charging - wife in his arms to carry 25 years in order,
And do not be lazy to throw out the garbage.
With the diagnosis agree? - Then sign it.
(Picks up painting in the map of the patient)
Where do you send? In the emergency room, or back home?
To determine check how the bone.
Come for a cute couple arrange dances
And we will support you, are not we, the guests?
And if you will not dance, waiting for you to pay,
Pay for "tysche" on each medical brother.
(Dances east dance)
No, do not go, piecemeal and arms and legs,
Let help you to friends and girlfriends.
And the fact that for such "Tralee wali"
It is necessary that all the same dance,
And if you'll dance discordantly,
Have to say goodbye to the money to you, dear.
(Dance dance of the small swans)
Yes, everything seems to be in your health is fine,
Nothing just sat with you, and in fact free.
Medicine today dear thing,
For further direction, gilding my hand.
Okay, now go down the hall.
Look to the cardiologist and even visited ENT.
Cardiologist (listening).
So with. Hear clearly - tuk-tuk tuk
Joyful heart hammering.
So with. Breathe! Do not breathe!
And turn their backs!
Your heart is like a motor,
Beats desire.
A bride to see
One must endeavor.
You give without words
Prove your love.
You see red heart,
That's the job you logical and clear.
Such is the mystery: to point to one of them heel
In response to a question,
And then let's see who will leave with the nose.
For each misses - money in your pocket and goodbye.
(Questions chooses envelopes)
Okay, you coped fine.
Have to write a "healthy as an ox" in your hospital.
ENT. Hello, hello, long time waiting for you.
Now to find out your trouble.
To begin with vision check
Come on, try to find a bride for the parts of the body.
For each misses
Luggage in a box of 100 rubles for compassion.
(The photos of the body learns the bride)
Pleased, pleased you did, the patient,
What to do something I do with you?
Disease I can not find
In addition to being in love with a lady in the waiting room on the fourth floor.
Well, go to the commissar, he was like while at home.
Commissar. Become, one-two!
Than for granted, a young fighter?
(Responsible - for the bride)
Myamlene aside, speak loudly and accurately,
And for my nerves Trepanier 10 times press urgently.
And not only you, but I was good,
For every time my pocket luggage allowance.
(Starts to do push-ups, the witness gave the money)
Check the power in their hands and other body parts.
Here the target hanging in them a job that needs to be done.
I'll give you 2 minutes to all the balls were pierced,
(Eats balls, there job, for example, to sing a song about love, say 5 compliments, etc.)
Okay, you've got the knack, look back to the nurse, do honor.
And lastly, a gift from me personally,
taken every night and you will be all fine
(Gives a big pill "Viagra")
Here in the emergency room exit door.
Her 10 locks. To get rid of the shackles,
Each lock luggage coin
Well, for the bride to compliment.
(Carries and sets)
You went through all the obstacles,
In this house you are very happy,
To see the bride soon,
Must swear in the presence of relatives and friends,
Repeat after me, and do not smile:
"I'm the bride, shaved goose, you solemnly swear not to drink, do not smoke and his wife love."
Something no one bride shoes,
You'll have to find it.
I can tell you,
It is a fact on which the bride likes to sleep (there boots).
Something was wrong, I at this time,
Slipper behind me now (there boots).
Okay, we will not torment guests both shoes - on it.
(Wish the young. Toast)