It seems so obvious, but many couples do not ask such questions before marriage, and that money is the number one cause of divorce statistics. Financial values and habits inherent to you before the wedding, can rapidly change from the moment you become husband and wife, are you ready for this?
Would you like to have kids? If so, how much and at what age difference? Are there any health problems, which should take care in advance? How, in the opinion of the partner should go leave to care for a child?
Many people think that everyone wants to have children. But it so happens that your groom already have a child or more, and he is not ready to take on more responsibility. It seldom happens that at this stage you find out that your partner - childfree, but that's what he wants more or less children than you want to, it happens. It may also happen that the enemy births in your couple - you. Does your fiance about it? If your views on the issue of procreation same and you both want the total baby, try to understand the point of view of your future husband and how much time you spend at home caring for a child. It would be nice to stipulate whether your partner is ready to help you with this and believes that it is only women's prerogative, and perhaps plans that your babe will sit by his mother? At the same time there is not superfluous to clarify and questions of religion your future offspring.
How will you share the household chores?
It seems self-evident that when a family has two persons, each of them takes on some of the daily household chores, but it thinks your fiance? Maybe he wants his wife was only a housewife? Or just do not think about how your life will be organized, because until then lived with active mother, believes that women should "create comfort?"
How will you build a relationship with their families and friends?
Sometimes stumbling block in relations Suite becomes the name of the closest. Internet is full of stories about how conflicts between the daughter-in-law and develop into Shakespearean passions and the question of "either me or your mother" brings young to divorce. In his traditional Sunday family dinners, and you think that it is better to go to the restaurant, in the spring and summer he works on the parent country, and you can not stand the beds - are you ready to make compromises or hope that things will change after marriage if by magic? It is also important to discuss and how you will meet with your friends, because it happens that someone in the pair suggests that marriage requires leave all the habits "overboard" and no mention of any girly get-togethers or for meetings in severe male company be can not.
How is your life together will look like 5, 10, 20 years later?
This can be a great way to discuss with each other the way you imagine a life together. In addition, it is a way to find out what you both expect and what you hope to get from your marriage and learn how accurately these "pictures" are the same.