Modern matchmaking script

Modern matchmaking script
 Earlier in Russia matchmaking was a very important step on the way to the wedding. Today, the fashion for ceremonies and customs returns. Of course, modern matchmaking script - more beautiful ancient ritual, rather than a serious event.
 In the Soviet and post-Soviet period the traditional formalism weddings expressed only in organizing stag / hen parties and hospitable feast, and obtaining the consent of the parents - the main goal matchmaking was absolutely formal. In fact, even today, few people know exactly how to conduct ceremonies matchmaking, after which the man and woman are considered to be the bride and groom.

Today matchmaking passes by prior arrangement and agreed scenario. Whereas previously matchmakers bridegroom came suddenly and sometimes sympathy daughter parents learned already at the ceremony.

Modern scenario may involve a mere acquaintance with a small feast at home, and not necessarily the bride, but also in the restaurant. Especially that uncommon for the young long live together in a civil marriage.

It is noteworthy that the suit before, and today - is a great way to discuss the upcoming main event, namely the organization of the wedding, to share the costs, to discuss the details.

Another option rite - a huge event, a spectacle with all the traditional elements of courtship: Swat, mummers, bikes, embroidered towels, gifts, bread and even matchmaker. You can stylize or placed under Russian hut or hold a ceremony in the Russian village house. Certainly with the furnace. After all, according to the custom, if a young Russian beauty groom Telegram, she sweeps broom towards the furnace from the threshold, alluding to his favor and inviting matchmakers stay.

In general, the script matchmaking can be supplemented and corrected. But, since already designed a stylized ritual, not just knowledge and conversations, it is advisable to prepare well. Need to allocate roles, rehearse speeches, stock costumes and paraphernalia, a pair of peep indispensable parts (like sit, to whom and what to give, whose bow first). That was interesting and looked all organically, as matchmakers can invite professionals - toastmaster, actors. Or talkative and resourceful friend.

Tags: script, wedding, organization, groom, matchmaking, matchmaker