How to wear an engagement ring

How to wear an engagement ring
 Engagement - an ancient rite, whose roots go deep into the centuries. But to date it has not lost its relevance. Indispensable attribute of an engagement ring is, but there is a lot of disagreement as to exactly how it should be worn.  
 According to tradition, announcing their seriousness towards his lover, the future bride makes her a marriage proposal. If she meets him permission, he puts on her engagement ring finger. From that moment, the pair is considered to be the bride and groom. Evidence of infinity and their mutual love that girl's heart is already taken, is a ring that she should wear to the wedding.

Wearing an engagement ring on the ring finger is necessary. When this fact is on a hand, it will be dependent on the conventional tradition. So, for example, the Slavic peoples, as well as residents of Greece, Spain, Colombia, Norway, India wear it on the right hand. While in many Western cultures, for example, in the US population, Italy and France, the UK and Sweden decided to wear this ring on his left hand. On the same hand wear engagement rings and Japanese. There are also countries in which the choice of hand depends on religion or region of residence. Notable examples of this - Belgium and the Netherlands.

On the day of the wedding engagement ring is removed, and the engagement ring takes its place. The fate of the ring can be different. Undoubtedly, it is necessary to keep life. However, in some families, it becomes an heirloom that is passed down from generation to generation. In this case, when your son will offer to conclude a marriage bond of his beloved, he can give her a ring that you took on the engagement of her husband.

Many women continue to wear an engagement ring and after the wedding. Some wear it on the ring finger of his left hand. Others, however, if it is in harmony with the wedding ring - wear them on the same finger. An interesting variation may be double rings which may be worn alone or fasten together.

It is also worth noting that after the engagement at the bride and groom still have time to think about whether they really want to live together all their lives. And if for some reason the bride changes her mind about her marriage, then according to the rules of etiquette, along with his "no" it is necessary to return to the groom and engagement ring.

Tags: ring