How to restore the black clothes

How to restore the black clothes
 Black things look elegant, but very quickly fade. Very often this problem occurs when regular washing of cotton and denim products. If your new T-shirt faded, try to refresh it a little.
 In hardware stores you can find special powders that restore the color of things. Use the for each wash. Gradually, the fabric will become more fresh look. Particularly well visible result on wool and silk things.

Wash discolored black clothes with a new one, which sheds much. The fabric turned monotonous, soak the product for a few hours in warm water without adding detergent. If you wash in the machine, then just abort the cycle for a while, then turn on the same program. To fix the result, wash clothing in a little acidulated water.

Buy paint for the fabrics, if all else fails. Dosing read in the instructions. If you have delicate fabrics, do not use much hot water in the processing of products - clothes will restore color, but lose shape. In this case, it is best to refer to the dry cleaners. When using high-quality dyes, the color of things will continue for a long time.

From ancient times to restore the use of black tobacco decoction. But it is necessary to note at once that the product acquires a characteristic and very unpleasant smell, which will remain for some time. If you do decide to resort to this method, take 15 grams of tobacco and a liter of boiling water. Raw materials put into the water, and then insist on a water bath for about 30 minutes. With the help moisten the sponge material and allow to dry completely. To get rid of the smell, hang clothes on the street or wash several times.

Unfortunately, other ways to bring back the look of things not. Try to take care of them while they are new. Wash according to instructions on the label clothes, otherwise it will fade. The only way you keep the brightness of colors and shape of the product for a long time.

Tags: clothes, color, black