How to change the image

How to change the image
 Are you sure that the image you see every day in the mirror - it is your image? There is no dispute that the mirror reflects exactly you, but what you in the mirror - is another matter. Is your appearance consciously created by you or it was formed without your active participation - by inertia? In other words - what did you do to look the way you want to look really?

The question of how to change the image of concern to many women. Of course, any change must be preceded by the image of an inside job. Incentive to external changes is always a new view of the world, the desire to upgrade, love or other feelings. If in your mind matured such changes - so you naturally feel a desire to change the look. On what to build, when you start to look for a new self-image?

Firstly, you can focus on the image of some respected you women - singer, actress, public figure or literary heroine ... Analyze her appearance - what exactly you like it?

Hairstyle, makeup, style of dress - any slight change may be a step towards a new image. Therefore, the second thing you can do - consult in the beauty salon - what hairstyle, make-up which will suit you?

Third, you should look through fashion magazines (not only the last time), and search for them a source of inspiration. Not necessarily to copy any image completely - borrow a combination of colors, ideas accessories, jewelry. Pay attention to how the colors of clothing combined with a certain skin color, hair, makeup. You will be able to use all of its new image.

Fourth, refer to some independent designers clothes - ask him to create something exclusive for you. It can be any thing - from stamp and ending with winter coat. Importantly, consult with the designer - that is right for you, tell him what kind of image you would like to create.

Fifth, begin to change today. Try color of lipstick that you never before used, wear high-heeled shoes. Make a perm if you have straight hair or short vows, if all life were a scythe.

Most importantly - do not be afraid to surprise myself and let your new image will be a symbol of your updated internal state. We wish you a brave quest and amazing discoveries themselves - updated.

Tags: image image