Black patent leather shoes: style or kitsch?

Black patent leather shoes: style or kitsch?
 For a long time in the fashion world there is a debate about the appropriateness of black patent shoes. Separate consider such stylish shoes, and the other is called kitsch. In fact, black patent leather shoes - a symbol of freedom.

Patent leather shoes always attract attention, but they can be a real disaster. Turns out, it all depends on the color and model. It is necessary to correctly choose the patent leather shoes - and you are under close condemning the views of others.

Most often in the area of ​​special attention are black patent leather shoes. Many ladies with prejudiced against fashion accessories, and the remaining just try not to pay attention to such models. So what will the black patent leather shoes: a manifestation of style or kitsch?

In modern society, everything is possible, therefore, to abandon forever black patent shoes do not need. Under certain circumstances, this accessory is right for you - and even complement the created image. However, in the office or on a business conference such shoes, after all, it is not necessary to wear.

Black patent leather shoes can fit into the grand event, corporate party or other informal ways. In this case, your shoes will show that you are on vacation and good communication. We can say that the black patent leather shoes are a kind of sign of freedom.

Sometimes the choice of such a model can be justified by external circumstances. If carpet is a glamorous star, she can forgive most incredible combination of outfits and styles. Also easy on the people of other creative professions, but they have black patent leather shoes - a manifestation of freedom and independence, rather than a manifestation of style.

In general, it is better not to risk their reputation - and to select a neutral model of shoes that will not cause shock or outrage from others. Of course, if you decide to show through their shoes its internal state, no one will be able to disable it to do. Just try not to overdo it with the manifestation of freedom - and it is desirable to show their love of freedom in an informal setting, so as not to get unnecessary problems.

Tags: black, style, shoes, shoe, fashion, kitsch