The most long lasting scent

The most long lasting scent
 Find long lasting fragrance is not difficult. But little understanding in perfumes, you can make mistakes in choosing every time. It is necessary to have a clear idea of ​​what determines the stability of perfume, and what kinds of fragrances are kept for a long time and which will not last, and a few hours.
 Persistence of flavor depends on its type and in part on how and when you use it. If we talk about the kinds, the three of them - in order of increasing resistance is:
- Eau de toilette;
- Eau de parfum (fragrance toilet);
- Spirits.
These types differ in the concentration of perfume extract.

Eau de toilette fragrance lasts a couple of hours, a maximum of 3 hours. In this case, almost all men's perfumes - a toilet water. Perfume composition of water is felt from 3 to 5 hours. For a young girl, by the way, this is more than enough. Highest resistance differ spirits. They will maintain the aroma from 5 to 10 hours, and are thus more expensive. If we consider the spirits themselves, it's worth noting that not all of them provide the smell throughout the day / night. There is very important concentration of perfume extract: it must not be less than 15%. The concentration of more than 30% indicates that in front of you the most persistent perfume.

For long-running smell has value and type of flavor. So, chypre or citrus flavors evaporate much faster than wood or oriental. Sweet, heavy oriental perfume will stay the longest.

With regard to the use, here you have to remember two things: firstly, the longest flavor keeps on clean hair. Secondly, even if you gain the most long lasting aroma, you have to remember about the use of perfumes. Always keep in mind that heat and glare enhance odors. Therefore, do not use heavy perfume during the day and in the summer heat.

Finally, the resistance of perfume influence the individual characteristics of your skin. For every person flavor not only expanded, but also kept in different ways: on someone stay longer floral perfume on someone - musk.

Finally it should be noted that such an option, as the intensity is important in perfumery only in so far as the flavor should not completely evaporate within a short time. Flex spirits to be elusive, and should not be "hit in the nose" to others.

Tags: aroma