The modern world of jeans splendor

 Denim - the most popular type of clothing fashionable among people of different age, gender, interests, tastes and social status. Fashion jeans inexhaustible and once it disappears.

Denim today sew almost everything: pants, jackets, suits, dresses, skirts, shoes, caps and hats, bathing suits more. The reason for this stunning popularity is obvious: denim clothing is comfortable, beautifully sits in the figure, emphasizes charms and hides the flaws, easily washable, is made of natural raw materials, through which breathes the body.

The design of denim garments are constantly working known world, bringing in the appearance of new products, unusual and sometimes incompatible parts. Connect with denim beads, embroidery, added to the effect of wear and antiquity of the fabrics, fashion "torn" jeans were once boiled jeans popular today in the same way to make models with "artificial mud."

The very style of jeans is very different: the high and low-waisted, wide and narrow trousers, tight and airy, just comfortable for daily wear and elegant models, decorated with various materials, jeans are popular among children, men and women all over the world.

Once denim clothing was considered a privilege of the young. Today, it is subject to all ages, thanks to the various models and sizes. Denim style and fashion touched everyone - from small to large and -obrela many fans. Today denim are everywhere: at work, in the office, or even a walk to the theater. Her dress is not only miners and builders, and businessmen and golden youth.

Interesting history itself occurrence of jeans. It is known that they were in the middle of the 19th century in America. This event was due to the height of the "gold rush". After initially dense and durable pants made of canvas were designed for miners and workers. Do not let dust and dirt, they were comfortable second installment from, breathable and easy to wash out. Miners who suffer with leather pants, capricious and flawed to wear, novelty embraced with enthusiasm. But the high society has been slow to be moved to the new invention.

Jeans have found their place in the market, winning the world love until much later. The invention was patented denim pants Leib Strauss-v1860 year. A little later, taking the partners tailor Jacob Davis from Nevada, Strauss began mass production of denim garments, thus laid the foundation for the world-famous brand and trademark "Levi'S".

Most brand-name manufacturers of denim clothes today are the following: "Wrangler" is known as the manufacturer of this klasssicheskoy jeanswear. Jeans "Mustang" are among the favorites denim fashion among inhabitants of the American continent. Black jeans, sexy on "Calvin Klein" today know almost everything. Original Jeans "LEE" different quality finishing pockets, quality side and waist seams and, most importantly, the quality of the fabric. "Levi'S" - the most famous, popular and fashionable company, whose owner and invented jeans.

Among youth model is very popular jeanswear "Diesel". And, of course, the young of the fair sex just adore smooth, shiny and tight jeans from "Versace".

From novelties denim fashion recently became aware of the appearance of the gadget in the world of denim clothing. Levi Strauss Company announced that it intends to equip the model RedWire DLX headphones and a remote control for the popular mp3-player IPod. In the pockets of the original product will be built in slots for connecting the device to the computer.

Levi's company is launching a line of "ecological" denim garments. Fabric for models made of organic cotton, buttons - coconut shell, the label - from recycled cardboard, and for coloring only natural dyes, such as indigo, potato starch, mimosa flowers and Marseilles soap. Factory that sews these jeans is in Hungary, and the raw materials are purchased in Turkey - thus creating the necessary jobs.

Miss Sixty-known company offered its vision of "jeans progress" .Predlozhila jeans that will help thousands of its owners to lose weight without having to exercise, fitness and dieting. In addition, the novelty quickly and easily helps fight the phenomenon of cellulite. For this purpose, the design of jeans, a plurality of tiny capsules filled their anti-cellulite agent. Thus, when equipped with these capsules is naturally in contact with the skin, providing a therapeutic effect.
Denim so diverse and versatile: dark, light, dirty, old - manufacturers are dumped on the market all new versions of denim clothing. If last season, all attention was focused on the style of jeans with low waist effect, in doing so, it is transferred to the game with the material itself.

Jeans are famous for, among other things, by the fact that they were strange things happen: these pants - in contrast to other parts of the toilet - almost did not require "time finishing." On the contrary, the older, worn they were, the more fashionable. Today, some boutiques selling jeanswear offer their clients among other services application scuffs on clothes individually, in combination with the requirements of the client and subordinate to its original style. Thus, one can be sure that will not see on someone the exact same model.
Actual denim clothing in winter and summer. Now a lot of winter denim clothing from more dense material and supplemented with fur.

Look beautiful, stylish and fashionable with the help of denim clothing is easy enough. Only need to choose things that are ideally suited to the constitution and emphasizes the dignity of the figure. Before you buy denim, you must be sure to try it. Each model and its various dimensions will be looked at differently, emphasizing the harmony and elegance of form, or vice versa, disfiguring. So that the beauty and Denim - concepts completely compatible. Well-chosen cosmetics, perfumes pleasant scent, fashionable and stylish denim clothing - these are the main components of the image of a successful and attractive lady, clearly tracking the latest fashion trends.

Author: Alexander Yadryshnikova

Tags: splendor