The combination of colors in clothes

 In the fashion for a long time there are no strict rules of the past. There was a time when the combination of blue and green colors are considered a manifestation of the amazing taste. In contrast, the combination of red and pink flowers looked absolutely preposterous. Modern woman choosing clothes, uses the basic principles of color combinations, but the rules have their every lady. Trying to suit the color palette, you become like the author of a small work of art that pleases not only you, but also the people who are close to you.

Women's magazine JustLady invites you to a new world of color. A world where you can really feel happier experience new emotions and sensations.

Every woman knows "their" colors, those advantageously emphasize the color of her skin, eyes and hair shade. As a rule, choose one main color is much easier than finding the rightcombination of several colors in clothes. Each professional designer will confirm that the basic color formulas are based on the color wheel. This is the easiest color scheme with which you can work.

The combination of colors in clothes

There are three basic colors:red, yellow and blue. If you mix any two of the principal in equal proportions, you get secondary colors - purple, green and orange .. These colors are called sister. Orange - a child of yellow and red, purple - the result of the union of red and blue. Each secondary color harmonious relationship with flowers "parents". If you use instead of green, yellow and blue colors (orange, yellow and red or purple, red and blue), then you have chosen mate or a similar color.

The combination of colors in clothes

Complementary or contrasting colors are those that are located opposite each other on the standard color wheel. Orange complements blue, yellow - purple. If you use the most vivid shades of contrasting colors, they immediately attract attention. Following is the principle of contrast, red-haired advised to wear green.

The combination of colors in clothes

When choosing clothes, you should always remember the color of the skin, eyes and hair. Blue eyes underlined brown, warm pink, coral and orange colors. Green eyes become brighter, if you choose red, pink and wine colors. Hazel eyes change color depending on the color of clothing. They often combine several shades, but one tone dominates. Contrasting colors are great for hazel eyes and can even change their color.

Under the heading Trends: Red clothing

Brown hair and brown eyes holders in the best way suited especially green and blue-green tones. Gray is neutral, so it does not exist in a contrasting color. But his remarkably shade other colors. For black and there is no additional colors, but bright and white color contrasts effectively with it. If you have blonde hair, purple color in various shades enhance their tone.

The combination of colors in clothes

Color accents may vary depending on the mode, but neutral tone will give you a sense of permanence and style. Stunning effect gives a happy combination of beige and gray with various shades. Most of the gray-brown tones refers to the intersecting colors because of their versatility and because they are the a combination of two neutral colors. In general, neutral colors go well together and are basic. They are not defiant and provide amazing backdrop for the bright accents.

The combination of colors in clothes
The combination of colors in clothes

In drawing up the ensemble of the two colors should remember two main principles. Firstly, the view primarily incident on the place where the two colors. Second, always remember the basic ratio of the main and secondary colors - 75% or so of the first color and 25%, or slightly less than the second. Contrast can also be considered a combination of two colors, but only if the colors used opposite each other on the color wheel. Traditional examplea combination of black and white clothes.

The combination of colors in clothes

In a three-color combination of a color predominates and takes about 75% of the second color is a secondary (15%), and the third color is used in minor amounts (10%). The third color can be used very efficiently, if it emphasizes certain area. Classic tricolorcombination of colors in clothesIs used when three colors are disposed at an equal distance from each other on a standard color wheel.

The combination of colors in clothes

The combination of more than three primary colors in the clothes too gaudy and distracting, but manages to masterfully combine stylists team colors. Prints, plaid and tweed fabrics often demonstrate a successful combination of a plurality of colors.

Selection of his own color palette can be compared to cooking. In the art of cooking on the ability to mix certain foods and spices depends on the taste of cooked food. And the ability of the competentcombine colors in clothesDepends on your appearance.

Play with color combinations, like a child playing with a box of crayons. Perhaps you will discover a world of creativity. And you will definitely see how color affects emotions, mood and sense of self. Correctthe combination of colors and clothes make your every day special.

Enjoy your creativity!

Shuvalov Eugene
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: clothing, hair, red, a combination of