Kira Plastinina (Kira Plastinina) clothing collection

 Kira Plastinina - still a schoolgirl, and yet has already found its glory. It's sweeping the country Fashion leaps and bounds - the first store with models Plastinina was opened in Moscow in early 2007. Kira success, which it achieved since then, so great that today it can be called one of the most famous and popular Russian designers, she puts on "advanced" youth and a lot of celebrities.

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Some believe that their success Kira Plastinina owes to his father - Sergei Plastinina, the owner shares the concern "Wimm-Bill-Dann". Indeed, the fascination with seeing her daughter drawing models, Sergey has done everything possible to develop her talent, his participation in the discovery of a network of trendy shops Kira Plastinina can not be overestimated. However, do not be Kira's talent, I think, would not have helped and dad. And not to notice the talent girls presented her collections is simply impossible: the model Kira surprise and fascinate, captivate combination of simplicity and sophistication, courage and tradition. Cyrus herself does not consider itself a "business lady": her business - do what she is engaged and having fun, and to solve financial problems girl designer provides a father. Why not?

For all his success and talent Kira is a schoolgirl, soberly looking at things: she is well aware that is still far from perfect, that to achieve this recognition and considerable success it needs to learn. So she's going to continue his education at the London School of Design and Arts.

Clothing brand Kira Plastinina designed for young, active women, she fought outright bold mix of different styles. Kira Plastinina creates items that itself would not refuse to go, so each dress, each suit her collection carry her mood, character, her attitude toward life.

How is the birth of a new collection? Kira Plastinina come up with a model, sets the direction in which to move. Then the team cutters, designer under her leadership are implementing invented Kira outfits. When all the models are ready - it is the turn of industrial sewing things that happens in Chinese factories. All work on the new collection is over, things go on sale.

Stores under the brand name Kira Plastinina can offer clothes that will certainly please young girls who want to feel fashionable and confident: original dresses, skirts atypical cut, bright T-shirts decorated with lots of rhinestones, all your favorite jeans that look unusual and interesting - every thing will find its buyers. Kira Plastinina - It is also fashion accessories, footwear, so the company store, you can get dressed, put on shoes and decorate to your taste.

Delight young fashionistas and prices in boutiques Kira: buy the model from Kira Plastinina can be an average of 30-50 dollars.

Author's style Kira Plastinina - A bright, cheerful cloth for fashion girls, going through life with confidence and expect it only joyful emotions. Here you can find elegant clothes and clothes for each day in the dress of Kira Plastinina You can go to college and to the disco, to the exhibition and to visit, and a trip on a date.

Recently Kira Plastinina released a new collection - "Spring-Summer 2009". These things brand Kira Plastinina attract their unusually positive attitude, cheerful and bright notes. At the same time, the new model looks much more restrained, elegant and feminine than the earlier stuff from Plastinina - apparently designer matures, and it can not affect the collection. Personification of the new collection - elegant butterfly, easy, swift and very beautiful. The same models were also - as in spring bright, sunny, summer-happy and free from stereotypes. Brand Kira Plastinina - It's always shine, silver, crystals and sequins. Decorate these elements and a new collection - T-shirts and dresses, pants and hats ...

As with all my clothes on Kira Plastinina, A new collection can be divided into 4 parts:
- Classy - romantic dresses, blouses, skirts and pants to visit the school or institution;
- Face Control - things that is convenient to go to a party;
- Punk-Rock Princess - brave thing for girls who appreciate the humor;
- Limited Edition - trendy trend these things fit stylish girl tending not to be "like everyone else."

Tags: Clothing, internet, shop, model, dress, catalog, blouse, collection, Collection, PLastinin