Jeans alphabet

 This fabric is immortal. She, like a phoenix, reborn again and again in the history of fashion, in the idea of ​​fashion in dresses of stars, and according to statistics, in the wardrobe of every other person on the planet. On the pages of women's magazine JustLady the most interesting facts about jeans, and almost the whole alphabet!

Bavaria - the city, the birthplace of the inventor of the jeans. Little Levi Strauss (real name Leiba Strauss) had no idea that he had to make a discovery of the century. At 24, he came to the covered "gold rush" of San Francisco, and started producing tents. But the business went wrong, and in 1953 in a small workshop under his leadership was izgotavlena first batch of jeans.

Victoria Beckham has long been releasing trendy jeans under his own name. She feels for this dress special feelings and devote a chapter of his book! The singer says that the girl should be at least two pairs: narrow and flared. "If funds permit, you buy new ones, which is beneficial across your hips and extend below the knees - they look nice with sneakers or running shoes. The main thing, remember that looking out of jeans clothes - it's gone, and the ugly!"

Hollywood has always been partial to the comfortable things. To legitimize their relationship with jeans, star divas still in the middle of the last century was converted into a cult object of glamor and luxury. This benefits the cinema itself: if the other suits have attracted too much attention, the "blue pants" never enter into competition with the actress. They only emphasize her personality!

Designers loved jeans immediately. It took them some time to decide on the issue of collections of denim. When in the late 60's Louis Feppo shows "pants" denim, fully embroidered stpazami success beyond all expectations. Subsequently denim style is a source of inspiration for many modelepov - creativity Aleksandp McQueen, Kapla Lagepfelda and Jean Paul Gaultier direct proof.

The unanimous verdict of "fashionable" immediately render jeans, in which there is Kate Moss. According to the model, most of her life she spent in this dress! Naturally, fans watching the balance of power in her wardrobe: recently in the fight against the thinness, the star prefers wide leg, and most favorite style - sailor jeans from Marc by Marc Jacobs.

Life is always easier Americans. The problem of selection of jeans, they decided very simple: almost every US store parameters of the figure can now be made to the computer and to "calculate" what style will sit well. Those interested can even sew your favorite model to order! The only negative - you have to wait about a month. But the cost of such services is only $ 10.

Rivets, a constant attribute of jeans were invented during the time of "Gold Rush": workers have complained that under the weight of gold nuggets they are broken daily pockets. Then the cutter Jacob Davis and decided to fix the corners with small copper "studs". This idea he hastened to patent, and in the future sold it for a lot of money.

Interestingly, the word "jeans" (jeans) is derived from the name of the city of Genoa - a small Italian port and genueziyskoy tissue (Genoese). It was brought to America for the very first sewing jeans parties at the end of the XIX century. This fabric was a tarp ... brown - not what we used to call the denim!

Collection of jeans boast many celebrities. For example, in the arsenal of Alsou today there are 200 pairs! Ksenia Sobchak also regularly updates its roomy "dressing room". And Paris Hilton complains that "friends" of the denim will soon have nowhere to put!

Favorite Jeans group "The Beatles", and with them all the historical styles actively return to everyday life! Among them, a model called "carrot" with a high waist and narrow leg, which is conveniently tucked into boots. Manufacturers use variations on the cowboy theme, and still try to keep all the distinctive features of a cut in its original form.

Marilyn Monroe proved that jeans can be the epitome of femininity and beauty. Recall at least the film "The River, from which there is no return" (1954) - in her skintight hip film star is nothing but a denim! Of course, she wore this outfit in everyday life. More recently, Britney Spears became a happy owner of vintage jeans worth 75 thousand dollars, which belonged to the legendary actress!

A new wave of fighting super low waist declared open. This temporary fad fashion forced the government of Louisiana (small corner in the US) to pass a law banning the wearing low waist! Violators face six months in jail and a fine. But the high waist only strengthens its position.

Waxed "pyatikarmanniki" at the time came up with Martin Mardzhela - English conceptual design and great original. The first experiments on tissue processing, he puts on a vintage models of jackets and denim skirts. As a result, the sparkling "evening" straight cut jeans have become a cult among fashionistas and fashionistas around the world!

Recognized as the father of jeans "haute couture" is considered Calvin Klein. As for the pr? ta-porter, today almost every western designer has a line of "registered" products from denim. However, Ukraine is also not far behind - domestic designer Victoria Gres for the third season in a row produces the podium Ukrainian Fashion Week in stunning beauties denim.

"Radiation does not threaten us!" - The slogan went on sale items with special protective lining. Producers decided to play on the fears of people who are afraid that mobile phones, and other equipment is causing irreparable damage to health. Of course, the danger of microwaves has not been proved, but the clothes with the "secret" is already possible to acquire.

Scarlett Johansson allows not only denim wear in everyday life, but also appear in it at public events! Recently, at the presentation ceremony she was seen in the narrow black "cigarettes" and sneakers. So calling the "Edit" sin evening dresses and other celebrities: Shakira loves skinny jeans and considers them "little black dress" XXI century.

The fabric of the eccentricity traditionally make jeans, called "denim", which literally translated from French means "from Nimes." The secret of this material is a special weave: external - painted, and internal - not. This feature makes it possible to manipulate the color and spicy poteptosti reach.

Skinny jeans have become a sign of elegance and fashion guru and even more so call them new classics. Among the admirers of such models - Angelina Jolie, Sienna Miller, Olsen sisters. In 1966, in exactly the same "skinny" Monica Vitti wore in the movie "Pretty Woman, which kills." However, then the fabric really clung to the skin, because it is an ordinary cotton! And no Stretch with sculpting effect - only the natural form.

"Speculators" - as in the USSR called speculators who illegally supplied ... jeans (and others not available in those days things). With this "overseas gimmick" Soviet people learn in 1958 blagodapya internatonal Festival of Youth and Students. From that day in my thoughts and wardrobe people start a real revolution!

Hippies chose blue jeans a symbol of freedom and fresh views. Then, in the distant '60s, thanks to import denim protests were painted in the color of the sky! Rage at the moment - flared style. Passes some twenty years, and young people mercilessly tears and wiping cloth on the asphalt to achieve the effect of wear.

The price of the most expensive in the world of jeans 1879 issue of 125 thousand dollars! They are stored in a special safe in the office of the legendary firm Levis. In addition to this priceless things, archive boasts a large collection of photographs, advertising posters and documents reflecting the history of the brand.

Black and white pants denim public does not want to take denim in a family for a long time. But no one dared to question the sense of style of Lindsay Lohan and Angelina Jolie. Two celebrities have defended the honor of colored brethren!

Fly, which was originally "decorate" a number of tiny hooks and eyes, later improved by using buttons. It was only after the Second World War, in 1947, on the shelves emit a unique instance - cowboy jeans with a zipper!

Flaunt on the pages of glossy fashion magazines jeans began in 1935. Of course, the courage shown Vogue - the most popular edition of those times. The headline read, "For work and play!". When in the May issue of the publication of the ladies found their bewilderment knew no bounds: until the day wearing similar clothes were entitled only men!

Emancipation and rebellious history jeans soaked to capacity. It seems much much more! But it turns out, get married now, too "trendy" in jeans. Ex-singer of the group ViaGra Olga Koriagina managed to put in a registry office favorite pants and a white shirt.

Youthful passion James Dean and Marlon Brando also played a role in the history of jeans. Both actors can safely divide among themselves responsible for the popularity of denim in the 50s. They become icons of style thanks to the legendary Levis 501 military-style - after they appear on the screen begins the real denim boom.

"I'm sorry but that is not invented jeans" - likes to Yves Saint Laurent. But he was the first couturier offers "urban" option trousers from artificially aged denim.

"Denim fashion does not exist, because it does not exist without the jeans fashion!"

Svetlana Savorona

Tags: Returns, ABC