How to dress to the casting

How to dress to the casting
 You left in a forum application to participate in the casting. And that happened - you are invited to it. But how to dress for the casting to successfully pass it? To significantly increase their chances of getting a role, it is necessary to observe a number of rules.
 Going to the casting, it should take into account all the minutest details. To audition and casting should always come in neat, in beautiful clothes and clean the well-groomed skin. However, it is not enough to successfully pass the test and get at least a small role in the movie. Ability to dress tastefully and have a personality - that is the key to success is almost guaranteed.

The first thing to note is that this hairstyle. It is a kind of standard of quality contenders. By hairstyle can judge the accuracy of human. The hair should be shiny, well-groomed and not brittle. Loose hair can afford only the girl, which are ideal. If the ends of the hair are cut a little better to collect them in a bundle. A plurality of pins, studs and a variety of bright accessories sometimes does not decorate, but rather spoils hair. They are relevant only if you wear certain clothes (for example, bright or shiny dress shirt). In order to have some form of hair, use special hair lacquers. Dyed hair before casting should be washed with a softening balm herbal or sour. Well look curly hair. That they curled, use tongs to wrap hair or braid braids at night. To good to keep the curls, use a liquid hair styling.

The second important aspect - the skin condition. It should be free of acne, inflammation, rytvinok and irregularities. Not to harm the skin, should take care of it well before casting. However, there are cases where it is impossible to foresee that the skin in the clean and even on the day view. Then use sparing masking agents. People who have oily skin, you can use the powder, and those who have it dry - foundation.

Finally, the clothes - the most basic in your image. Dress to the casting is necessary so as to emphasize their individuality. Choosing clothes, consider the particular transfer or film, the role in which you are applying.For example, if you are going to star in a Christmas program or participate in a fashion show, evening dress or suit a bright blouse. If you are going to act in the role of an office employee, the dress must be strict, or you can wear a white blouse and a black skirt. However, no matter what role you have not, do not come to the casting too dull and gloomy. His stage outfit you can wear only this time on the set, and on the casting and samples you need to emphasize the uniqueness of his style. In this case, it should be combined with make-up. Bright make-up can be used when you are dressed in festive clothes. In other cases, it looks ridiculous and ugly.Makeup employee of the company should be expressive, but cautious. It is also possible to add the garment decoration, especially if you festive attire. However, you should not forget the fact that an excessive amount of jewelry is inappropriate in all cases. Always remember that your clothes should match the color of your hair and eyes. Demonstrating creativity, the casting you will look irresistible. 

Tags: business, video, advertising, casting, shooting, sample