Art Collection Acne Studios

 Acne Studios released a collection of things with prints - abstract works of the twentieth century Swedish artist Hilma af Klint.
Because of the decision Hilma af Klint skip work for 20 years after her death, paintings were exhibited only in the last year. Intrigued by her creativity, Acne Studios received permission from the artist to create a fund capsule collection, which included several svitshotov, shirts, scarves and T-shirts adorned with meaningful canvases.
Art Collection Acne Studios
According to Hilma af Klint, when the painting led her otherworldly forces (the artist was known spiritistkoy and anthroposophist). But even without the mystical overtones her abstract work look attractive and ultasovremenno.
Art Collection Acne Studios
Art Collection Acne Studios
Art Collection Acne Studios
Art Collection Acne Studios
Art Collection Acne Studios
Art Collection Acne Studios
Art Collection Acne Studios
Art Collection Acne Studios
