Heels: Pros and Cons

Heels: Pros and Cons
 According to psychologists, the value of heels in a woman's life is difficult to overestimate. Because in them she feels more confident, attractive. So if a woman wants to achieve a lot at work (and not only), high-heeled shoes she needed. However, there are some pitfalls.
 You should start with the pros. Heels truly work wonders, even a complete woman / girl with chubby legs transformed - becoming slimmer and her legs - longer. A slender legs effect is due to the fact that walking in high heels muscles tense and slightly stretched.

Some statistics: 80% of men of the type of female legs in high heels just crazy, more than 50% of women like to walk on his heels, while wearing a small heel or does it prefer to do without 30% of women.

Now for the cons. Heel height from 3 to 4 cm is considered ideal. It does not cause harm and support the foot perfectly. But every subsequent 2 cm have a significant pressure on the fingers (about 25%). The greater the height of the heel, the greater the load on the spine is given and pelvic.

The abuse of high heels there is the possibility of drying the Achilles tendon.

Long wearing high heel shoes can lead to flat feet.

Wearing heels can lead to a noticeable deformation of the toes.

Girls wearing high-heel shoes, more vulnerable to inflammation, curvature of the spine (scoliosis), and osteochondrosis.

Unsuitable weather may also play a role, because if you walk in high heels in the ice, you are more likely not stay on his feet, fall and injure themselves.

There is also a new version of the scientists on the heels of harm. The fact that prolonged wearing shoes can for a cause frigidity. This can happen due to the fact that the feature changes in body position, the blood supply to the pelvic organs is blocked, and this leads to partial or complete loss of interest in sex. However, it should be emphasized that this viewpoint is the acknowledgment in various studies has found.

It turns out that along with the advantages of wearing heels, and there are significant disadvantages that can scare any of the fairer sex. Although all are dependent on wearing period. One has only to do not wear high heels more than 3 hours a day and every day wear it is not necessary. After all, your legs need a rest, is not it?

Tags: harm stud