Heels in facts and figures

Heels in facts and figures
 Heel - item of footwear that raises the heel above the sock. In addition, he makes every woman above, slimmer and more attractive than her friends who prefer flat shoes.

It is considered that the heel was invented about five hundred years ago. Anyway, the first mention of heels in France date from the beginning of the XVI century, and around the same time - in 1509, the year - the word "heel" appeared in our language. Both in the West and in the East heels while operated exclusively by men, helping them when riding. However, there is evidence that the prototype of the heel came from the ancient Egyptians, who invented a raised heel for easy walking on a plowed field.

The turning point in the history of heels became the 1,533th year, when the shoe with a high heel for the first time put on a woman. And this woman was herself Catherine de Medici. Symbol of female attractiveness heel became much later - only in the XIX century and a real revolution in shoe fashion occurred in 1950, when Salvatore Ferragamo revealed to the world sexy slim stiletto heel. Currently, the Guinness Book of Records recorded 43-inch heels as the highest ever created in the world. However, such a height was achieved thanks to an impressive platform podnosochnoy parts.

How would endanger looked heels, people can not refuse them. Statistics confirm that 3 out of 4 men, that is as much as 75%, literally crazy about women in high heels. But beauty, as is known, requires sacrifice: even the lowest heel increases the load on your toes by as much as 22%. The Ministry of Health advises refrain from wearing high heels more than 3-4 hours a day, and on the heels higher than 15 cm workers Medicine impose a strict ban. Ideal for the health of the foot and the heel height is considered posture 3-4 cm, and pregnant women heels high altitude and at all contraindicated.

As for the fall provoked heels, it's not a myth, but a harsh reality. According to statistics, nearly one in three women from those who walk in high heels on a regular basis (more than three times a week), constantly falling due to their favorite studs. Even supermodels Naomi Campbell is not always able to walk down the runway without incident. For example, in 1994, she could not resist heels, the height of which was really dizzy and was 23 cm.

Tags: heel, figures, facts, TSIFRRA