Choosing wedding shoes!

Choosing wedding shoes!
 The basic requirements that must not, are required to meet bridal shoes - easy! If shoes are uncomfortable, you spoil your holiday, because it is difficult to maintain good mood, if every step - the pain.

Wedding - perhaps the most solemn day in the life of any woman. Do not let it overshadow the wrong choice of footwear. Footwear certainly be convenient. But the style of shoes should approach the wedding dress.

The best option - to buy two pairs of shoes. One - for the official registration, the photo shoot. The second - for the subsequent lavish banquets, which involves dancing.

Plan selection and purchase of shoes for the evening, because at the end of the day a little foot swells. Otherwise, the evening of the wedding day, your shoes will reap unbearable feet.
If the wedding dress you picked up the stockings or tights, you should try shoes on them.

If you are going to buy satin or silk shoes, it is better to choose them, having your dress. Or at least a sample of tissue from which the sewn your dress, as it is necessary to choose the color.

If you choose the length of the wedding dress, the best fitting shoes to make, wearing it as heel shoes should be such that between the hem of her dress and the floor was a distance of 3 cm. So you do not get dirty and do not ottopchete dress hem.

When choosing shoes do not forget about the growth of the groom. If the bride and groom about the same height, the high heel is irrelevant, as the pair will look inharmonious.

By exquisite dresses, with many details, fit just on a style shoes. If the dress is designed in a quiet style, you can choose the shoes, abounding ornaments.

For a light summer dress sleeveless suit open sandals with high heels. The shorter the dress - the higher the heel should be. If the dress has a straight silhouette, choose high heels, provided that you will be able to walk nicely on it. If you prefer low-heeled shoes, then afford their wedding day can be only under the condition that the dress will hide them completely.

Wedding shoes need to carry. About 2 weeks before the celebrations begin to wear wedding shoes at home. Break in slowly, carefully, so as not to spoil the look of the shoe.

Tags: heel wedding shoes, selection, shoe