Choose a comfortable pair of shoes

Choose a comfortable pair of shoes
 It's hard to imagine this figure, but there is such a calculation: the average person makes in his life nearly 300 million steps. How much effort and energy spent on this trip as "shoe tread down," what kind of load transfer leg man? One thing is indisputable - save easy step to old age and health of the feet helps comfortable shoes.

Since ancient times, people tried to protect their feet from possible injuries, wounds and cold, coming up protection for them - from leather winding up bast shoes and boots. At the time, became the object of fashion shoes, like clothes. Alas, convenience and practicality often recede into the background. Our contemporaries, too often forget about the health of their feet in the pursuit of external beauty and intricate decoration of shoes. Meanwhile, pick a comfortable pair of stylish footwear can and should be - the choice is.

When choosing shoes, pay attention to the shoe. By volume, it should be comfortable for your foot volume. If you (very well!) Like shoes, but shoes have proved to be narrow, it is better to abandon the purchase. Think about the consequences of such a tribute to the elegance. A narrow strip - reason for the formation of calluses. Even more painful will seal skin over the joints at the edges of the foot.

Uncomfortable shoes threatens another very significant defect - curvature of the toes (often suffers second finger). Tight shoes or boots can cause severe, often unexpected paroxysmal pain in the midfoot. Such a reaction is understandable: your wrong choice in favor of a narrow shoe causing injury, nerve passing between the third and fourth metatarsal bones.

Another risk factor - stiff stiff soles with a hard-nosed. Choose shoes should be on the soft, supple sole and a walking unsteady nose. Typically, the "platform" heavier boots (they can reach a weight of 2 kg!), And it is - a direct path to varicose veins.

Bad and legenky but smooth sole: it leads to flat feet. Another thing - the optimum height heel or heel "elevation": in this case, the muscles and ligaments of the foot contract and relax during walking according to their physiology.

With high heels leaning medical problems also can not be avoided. Podiatrists are unanimous: excessively high heels - shoes attribute that should not be used as an everyday from morning till evening. As evening option for special occasion - please. Abuse of the same harmony through studs may violate the posture and even ... obesity. All the matter in the wrong distribution of body weight, relaxation and stretching of the abdominal muscles. Often, women in high heels walking as if on tiptoe, transferring his weight from heel to toe. As a result, suffers spine. What serious illnesses he would react to the forced adjustment of its natural bending in the future, it is difficult to predict. But such experiments painless certainly will not pass.

Trying on shoes, taking into account all possible negative factors of a particular model. External beauty is good only in conjunction with the "health" of the shoe.

Tags: shoes, pair