Bride too shocking

 A lot of water has flowed since the day when wrapped in a satin slipper leg mannequin first stepped onto a makeshift podium. Ever since then, from well-known fashion designers, representing the oldest fashion houses, considered good form to finish the catwalk release of "Bride" - girls dressed in exclusive wedding dress, which cost thousands, and sometimes hundreds of thousands of crisp bills.

If a woman was struck by the beauty of you, but you just can not remember

in what she was wearing - it means that she was wearing just perfect.

K. Chanel

Honor to represent wedding dresses «haute couture» falls only the most beautiful models and movie stars and singers, including resilient Sharon Stone and Gisele Bundchen, Charlize Theron and Naomi Campbell.

However, at these ladies that neither put on - all going to face. That is why designers often decided on a bold experiment by putting "bride" not only in the classic corsets and crinolines, but also very extravagant toilets of feathers, bottle caps, white chocolate and diamonds.

Being a great original, in the spring release 2008 collection Jean Paul Gaultier decided to fully demonstrate the "purity and innocence," the girl in white, covering nearly weightless prude transparent chiffon, which highlights all of its charms. Head beauty crowned hat with a tiny pirate symbols and quite classic veil.

Bride too shocking

How much fun can get sweet groom biting off a tiny piece of chocolate cap his betrothed! Such a possibility is given to newlyweds English designer wedding dresses Ian Stewart: bride dressed in a beautiful white chocolate - hat, corset, skirt and even shoes are quite edible and very fragrant.

The most expensive wedding dress Millennium was recognized crafted Italian Mauro Adami silk-platinum masterpiece, the author of the jewelry exhibition festival Hatton Garden Jewellery Week in London. The cost of the dress is "only" 240,000 pounds, and, they say, the dress has already found her mistress.

No less sensational was the dress from the "queen of shocking" Vivienne Westwood for Carrie Bradshaw - the heroine of the series American "emansipe" "Sex and the City." According to the movie-fans sikvella in the full-length version of the film, "except on this satin-guipure miracle longer look was not for that."

Bride too shocking

Russian fashion designers do not lag behind their Western counterparts - enchanting tales from platya- Valentin Yudashkin will be at the peak of popularity in the coming season.

No less interesting costumes in ethnic style: on the way proud Scythian queen Tomiris work Kazakhstani designers - Kuralaj Nurkodilova and Fashion House "Simbad".

What would surprise even finicky and capricious bride? Oh yeah! Color! Today it is possible and even necessary to march down the aisle in pistachio, purple, scarlet, and even black - the latter being most preferred. Morticia Adams could not imagine how effectively looks downcast eyes girl with a bouquet of orchids black velvet, set off the glossy outfit from Cymbeline Paris.

Bride too shocking

Hats-pill, natural and artificial flowers, precious stones - all this more than once adorned wedding hairstyles young beauties. But it can be fun to surprise future spouse to include time kiss hundreds of tiny light bulbs diode through which the head of the bride turns into a glowing flower.

Do not like playing with electricity? Do not worry - all come to the aid of the same culinary fantasies - in her hair woven candy, pasta and even sausages! It was such a zealous mistress see the modern bride German designers.

Tags: designer bride