Useful properties of ginger

Useful properties of ginger
 Called ginger plant with spike-like inflorescences purple or bright orange color, whose roots are used as food. Its useful properties it was known in ancient India.
 In the roots of ginger contains a large amount of essential oils, so they have a strong aroma and pungent taste. In the 30-gram has a spine 117 mg of potassium at 0, 06 mg of manganese and copper, magnesium 12 mg, 0, 05 mg of vitamin B6, vitamin A and C.

Ginger - excellent analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent, often used to treat arthritis and relieving symptoms of the disease. To do this, make a poultice of fresh root and attach to the sore spot.

Since ancient times, ginger was used as a carminative and diaphoretic. Its properties are widely used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Ginger helps cleanse the body of toxins and impurities, has beneficial effects on the digestive system, reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood and increases the rate of metabolism.

Ginger tea - a great tool not only for headaches, but also for weight loss, because when it is used fats are better absorbed. For the preparation of this drink will need some fresh root, 1 tablespoon honey, mint leaves, fresh orange or lemon juice. All ingredients pour boiling water and leave in a thermos overnight. Ready tea is best to drink half an hour before a meal.

Ginger - an indispensable tool in the motion sickness. He copes with dizziness and nausea arising from disorders of the vestibular apparatus.

Weak ginger tea relieves symptoms of toxicosis in pregnant women to prevent vomiting and nausea. When severe pain during menstruation should take the roots of this unique plant.

Since ancient times, the healing properties of ginger are used to restore the "male power." Also it is effective in the treatment of prostate and is a good aphrodisiac.

And, of course, ginger is used for colds. It contains essential oils perfectly soften the throat, so it is suitable for inhalation. If sore throat is just beginning, it should hold in the mouth a little root plants. Also, having a diaphoretic action, ginger reduces the temperature. When coughing a great tool - ginger tea, which also removes the inflammatory processes in the body.

Tags: property, use, application, utility