The essential oil of ginger: Eastern aromatherapy

The essential oil of ginger: Eastern aromatherapy
 Many of us first met with ginger recently when in vogue restaurants with Japanese cuisine. Already almost all know that thinly sliced ​​pickled ginger - a great addition to Japanese cuisine. In addition, ginger taken to add sweet dishes, it is included in the list of the most popular spices. Now it's time to learn about that and ginger essential oil has beneficial properties. What? This is a women's magazine tells JustLady.

The essential oil of ginger made from ginger rhizome. This oil is not so popular in our latitudes, palm usually get patchouli oil, neroli, rosemary, citrus oils and various oils, which are known as unconditionally valid aphrodisiacs. But who said thatginger oil - Not an aphrodisiac? Yes, it is not always considered to the group of oils because not too popular, but actually ginger oil - still the promoter of love feelings. And its effect is confirmed by the age-old practice.

The essential oil of ginger - Aphrodisiac

We must start with the fact that in Chinese ginger means "courage." In ancient times, using ginger prepared love potions, it was added to the sweetness of victory over the male impotence and used to increase the birth rate. Excitatory properties of ginger are mentioned even in the fairy tale "A Thousand and One Nights."

With the advent of many modern tools to enhance male sexual power and for the treatment of female frigidity ginger has not lost its relevance. In China, ginger is still used for the treatment of frigidity and infertility, adding it to marinade for shrimp, and in Senegal, women make gingerbread belt with which they manage to ignite the passion in the marriage bed.

Do belt of ginger we're not likely, and the recipe of marinating shrimp in ginger sauce is not quite simple, but do love the oil mixture, which containsginger oil - We are capable of it.

Ginger oil (3 drops) was mixed with the same amount of oil of bergamot. Then add 2 drops of oil of coriander and 2 drops of cinnamon oil. This excitatory oily mixture can be used for fragrance bedrooms aromalampu adding it to, and for making romantic baths.

The essential oil of ginger: Eastern aromatherapy

The essential oil of ginger - guard your health

First of all,ginger oil - It is a wonderful tool to combat apathy, bad mood and fatigue. It develops in the human sociability, adds charm and self-confidence.

Also, ginger oil has anti-inflammatory, anti-viral and anti-bacterial action, therefore helps to protect and recover from acute respiratory infections, sore throats, bronchitis, flu.

Andessential oil of ginger is a painkiller that can remove puffiness. Improve joint mobility, have a beneficial effect on the spine, and reduce the appearance of rheumatism and arthritis, sprain will help eliminate massage, during which the used oil mixture containing oil of ginger.

As we have said,ginger oil affects the sexual behavior of both sexes. And now add that it is not just allows you to receive more pleasure from sex, but also has a positive effect on the condition of the prostate gland in men.

Ginger helps digestion and relieves nausea, so it is sometimes used to combat seasickness. And ginger oil has the ability to deliver a headache.

The essential oil of ginger: cosmetic properties

Like many other essential oils,ginger oil known not only for its healing properties and inflames passions. With its use can be carried out cosmetic procedures that aim to eliminate cellulite and such unpleasant phenomena such as scars and striae (stretch marks). Also, ginger essential oil is added to the means of reducing hair loss.

And you can prepare your own massage oil blend to remove freckles and age spots, containing oil of ginger. To this 30 ml. almond oil, add 4 dropsginger oil3 drops of grapefruit oil and 3 drops of rosewood oil.

The essential oil of ginger: rules of

Few know the effect of the essential oil. The main thing - to use it properly. Therefore, women's magazine JustLady shares with his readers of the rules of use of ginger oil.

Preparing for a romantic evening or just creating a pleasant atmosphere in the room, in an aroma lamp drip 3-4 drops of oil of ginger. If the room is greater than 15 sq. M, the amount of oil can be increased by a few drops.

Hot and cold inhalation should be usedginger oil in an amount of 1-2 drops wherein treatment time should not exceed seven minutes.
In preparing the mixture using a whirl ginger oil usually share such a proportion: 10 ml. vegetable oil 4-5 drops of ginger oil.

The mixture is prepared for grinding at the rate of 7 dropsginger oil 5 ml. vegetable oils and packs made using 2-3 drops of oil of ginger.
If you want to take a bath with oil of ginger, keep in mind that, like any other essential oil, ginger oil you need to initially mixed with an emulsifier, in which can be a gel or foam for a shower, and then added to the bath. The optimum amount of ginger oil bath: 3-4 drops.

You can choose to create a mixture of oil, opening more and more new properties of essential oils. But it is necessary to consider the compatibility of the oil. For example, ginger oil constitutes the best combination with eucalyptus, juniper, cypress, rose oil, as well as with all citrus oils and oils of cedar, neroli, coriander.

 Inna Dmitrieva
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: oil pressure, aromatherapy, aphrodisiac