Tartar - all about the dangers of rock

Tartar - all about the dangers of rock
 Statistics show that plaque is found in almost 80% of adults. This dental disease, which manifests itself in the form of deposits on the surface of the teeth. And tartar can affect both natural and artificial teeth. Women's magazine JustLady tell today about tartar and the reasons that lead to its formation.

Plaque: reasons for the formation of plaque on the teeth

First tartar is deposited as a soft plaque, which gradually hardens. This coating is formed from the residues of food pathogens, cells of epithelial tissues, calcium, phosphorus. As to its deposition on the surface of the teeth can cause increased salivation, metabolic disorders, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, the causes of tartar is non-compliance with oral hygiene, smoking, use of antibiotics, use of for the most part only soft food habit to chew on one side of the teeth. If a person notices that appeared on his teeth plaque, it is necessaryremoval of tartar.

At Firstodontolith is deposited on the surface of teeth, which because of its location cleaned hard toothbrush. Then plaque appears on other teeth. Plaque is supragingival and subgingival. Supragingival calculus forms on the exposed surfaces of the teeth, the color of the stone can be a light yellow to dark brown. Usuallyremoval of tartar this type does not cause any difficulties - the doctor removes the special tools. But subgingival stone is not so noticeable, andremoval of tartar This type of more labor-intensive. This type of stone is less common, but it is most people older than forty years. Mineralized deposits are due to the saturation of saliva phosphorus and calcium ions, sometimes stone is formed due to stagnation of saliva and formation of ammonia due to the activity of dental plaque bacteria. First, the stone is deposited on the inner surface and then around the tooth delayed dense monolith. How quickly and it will increase strongly depends on the amount and composition of saliva, food consistency and oral hygiene.

Plaque is dangerous because it can cause the development of other dental diseases. For example, due subgingival stone, which creates good conditions for living pathogens, inflammation occurs. In turn, because he may develop periodontitis. Furthermore,odontolith looks very unsightly and spoils the human smile. That is why people who have seen the deposition of plaque on the teeth, choose tartar removal. The process of scaling occurs in the clinic with the help of special equipment, sometimes used local anesthesia. In modern dentistry there are effective and painless way to remove the stone. After removal of the tooth surface is polished stone and sand.

It is known that there is a connection between the intensity of stone formation and the amount of saliva. So, tartar forms an intense, if the amount of saliva exceeds the norm. Also, due to defective chewing when a person chews predominantly on one side of the teeth, stone longer postponed to "non-working" side. Equally important is the consistency of food - because of soft food worse teeth cleaned of plaque. And, of course, due to improper oral care. However, there are cases when plaque is not delayed even in the absence of any oral hygiene.

Prevention of tartar

If you observe the basic rules, the smile of a man will always be beautiful and healthy. Thus, the magazine JustLady reminds you that you have to carefully take care of the oral cavity. If you notice that the teeth start saving stone, it must be timely to remove. For the prevention of tartar need to eat more solid food, which when chewed mechanically removes dental plaque is soft.


Today, dentistry has an effective and painless way to remove deposits on the teeth. For example, using tools quickly dentist cleans teeth with the stone, and the patient feels no pain. Another even more efficient way - ultrasound with him the whole procedure generally takes less than five minutes. Ultrasonic removes tartar, with no damage tooth enamel and gums. The doctor may even clean up not only the teeth, but even the gum pockets. After teeth (including fillings) polish abrasive paste, then applied a special paste with fluoride, which helps to improve the strength of the teeth.

Who is in the "at risk"

Need to be aware that the plaque - a danger to the teeth, and if time does not take care of its removal, it can lead to tooth decay and gum disease. Do not leave your teeth to their fate, if you see that they had a plaque. Then you will have to treat more serious problems. At risk are people who:
• do not care about oral health;
• incorrect or irregular brushing their teeth;
• mostly eat soft food;
• chew food on one side of the teeth more than the second;
• suffer from metabolic disorders.

Regularly visiting the dentist and caring for your teeth, you can be sure that your beautiful and healthy smile - a real decoration of your appearance!

Alice Terentyeva

Tags: plaque, tooth, removing the danger