Spontaneous gluttony

Spontaneous gluttony
 Gluttony - is unhealthy for a person eating habits. He puts on the body of the additional burden to have to work continuously. The consequence of all this can be a disease associated with obesity, cardiovascular disease, the risk of diabetes, metabolic diseases. People suffering from over-eating, often experiencing because of his uncontrollable bouts of binge eating and may become depressed. They are more likely than others, subjected to stress, they have problems with sleep.

Oddly enough, but often intense mental activity and causes many people spontaneous outbreaks of famine. During the intellectual work in the blood level of the stress hormone cortisol, glucose and insulin. These substances are fed to the brain signals of hunger and desire to eat begins to grow.
In such cases, suppress hunger will help you so-called nutritious foods: walnuts, oranges, apples, grapes and oatmeal. They not only give a feeling of fullness, but also keep it as long as possible, at least several hours.

Our favorite sweets noted properly satiety index is impossible. And even on the contrary, chocolate, pastries, croissants, cookies only burden the excess calories and cowardly way cause us even greater hunger. The reason for this is the large amount of fat in confectionery products.

A number of experiments conducted by scientists from different countries, helped to reveal that resist smells delicious and favorite food in the stronger sex turns out better than women. From here a female and a tendency to overeat and susceptibility to eating disorders (anorexia binge eating) in difficult life situations.

A good way to overcome such famines - it start to eat by the clock, at a certain time. This method normalizes your hormonal background, healthy digestion. And the stomach soon come to their senses and will not bother you ahead of time.

Tags: stress, product, attack, sign