Raise IQ using intelligent menu

Raise IQ using intelligent menu
 Scientists still have not come to a consensus as to whether it is possible with the help of variability power to make the human brain work better. But the thought process is improved by normalization of blood flow, elasticity of the walls of blood vessels and increase the conductivity of nerve endings. Accordingly, increase IQ by a clever menu - it is a reality.

One vitamin that has a positive effect on the ability to think logically and clearly state - B1 (or thiamine). It optimizes not only the blood supply, but also the cognitive function of the brain and also increases stamina and perseverance in teaching. Among other things, this is an excellent antioxidant, which is designed to protect brain cells from aging. The organism most strongly in need of thiamine during stress: the preparation for exams, passing any intellectual projects, thesis defense and so on. But this does not mean that in everyday life can ignore it.

Lack of vitamin B1 leads to nervous exhaustion, slowing the formation of images, difficulty perception and memorizing information. To prevent hypovitaminosis, should be included in the menu and buckwheat porridge (in which the highest concentration of the substance); daily consume at least a small amount of bread from wheat flour or bran; not ignore legumes - peas, beans, lentils. Of products of animal origin thiamine most richly meat - pork and beef and offal for smart menu recommended veal liver.

Irreplaceable "couple" to increase IQ - vitamins A and D, present in oysters and fish oil. But there are not many people who voluntarily agree to use this pharmaceutical drug (however, some manufacturers enter into fish oil in gelatin capsules, making the absorption process becomes easier). In fact, you can do without such additives, entering into the diet of fatty fish. In addition, they are rich in phosphorus, which is also the most favorable effect on the mind and intellect.

To the store to choose exactly the fish, which is necessary to remember one simple rules. All fish on the fat content is divided into 4 groups: skinny - with a fat content of about 2% (haddock, cod, pollock), the average fat content - they are up to 8% fat (bream, carp), fat - containing up to 15% fat (salmon, sturgeon) and high fat - there may be more than 15% (eel, halibut). Of course, the consumption of fatty fish may be at increased cholesterol in the blood, but he is not formed as quickly as those who eat fatty meats.

This factor in protecting the organism from stress, and therefore promotes increased susceptibility information and disability, vitamin C or ascorbic acid. Among other things, it accelerates the regeneration of cells involved in lipid metabolism and other reactions of the organism, which are important for normal functioning. The maximum amount of ascorbic acid contained in the broth hips, black currant, sweet red pepper. If you enter any of these products in the daily menu, your brain will always be "fully prepared".

Tags: Men, care, nutrition