Medicinal properties of Viburnum

 Today women's magazine JustLady tell its readers about how to use the healing properties of cranberry. Viburnum opulus is most often found in the form of bush height of about 1, 5 meters (but sometimes there are also some trees up to 4 meters) with white flowers and red berries sour-bitter taste. This plant prefers a temperate climate, though it might as well be grown in the steppe regions in the presence of sufficient moisture. It is quite easy to carry and low temperatures and drought.

Of viburnum berries make home-made: jam, juice, various toppings, jellies, etc. For use in cooking and for medicinal purposes, to collect berries better after the first frost, when they lose a particular bitterness, or simply freeze in the refrigerator.

Medicinal properties of Viburnum: indications and contraindications

For the preparation of medicinal potions in folk medicine used as berries and bark, flowers, and even the seeds of Viburnum. The plant is extremely rich in vitamins, trace elements and other useful substances. For example, viburnum berries, the content of vitamin C significantly exceed the recognized leaders - citrus fruits. Besides Kalina contained in liposoluble vitamins A and E, vitamin P, pectin, organic acids, sugars.

For therapeutic purposes, viburnum used in diseases of the upper respiratory tract, gastritis, cardiovascular disease, sclerosis, hypertension, liver disease. Wide range of applications of this amazing plant for skin diseases: acne, boils, allergic rashes, various forms of eczema, as well as a wound-healing agent, and to lighten freckles.

Shows viburnum and in more severe diseases: tuberculosis of the skin and lungs, diabetes. For women, the plant is particularly useful because of its hemostatic properties (uterine bleeding, menstrual disorders), the ability to stop the growth of tumors (treatment of fibroids, breast cancer, cysts in the ovaries). In folk medicine, Kalina also used the threat of miscarriage.

Needless to say,viburnum very useful plant, however, despite the weightcurative properties, It can not apply to everyone.

It is not recommended to use without consulting a doctor Kalina under reduced pressure, poor blood clotting, kidney stones and kidney disease, gastric hyperacidity, during pregnancy, diseases of the joints. Possible allergic reaction.

Medicinal properties of Viburnum

Medicinal properties of Viburnum: Recipes


1 tbsp Viburnum berries, pour a glass of boiling water and cook on low heat for about 15 minutes. After cooling, add a tablespoon of broth in an amount of honey and take three times a day after meals.

Bronchitis, pneumonia

Fruits of Viburnum pour hot natural honey and insist 6-8 hours in the heat.

Atopic dermatitis (diathesis)

Take the young shoots of viburnum with the kidneys, cut, put in a pan, filling it about three quarters. Raw water is then poured and set in the oven at a low temperature heating for 3-4 hours. When raw materials are well steamed, it is drained, filtered and poured into a glass dish (preferably dark glass) and put in a cool place for storage.

Children are teaspoon three times a day according to the following scheme: fasting 2 hours before breakfast, two hours after lunch and after 1 and 5 hours after the meal. During the course of treatment not to salt and acid itself, if necessary, the broth can be somewhat sweetened before use.

Malignant tumors

Viburnum berries juice mixed in equal proportions with natural honey and take up to 3 tablespoons 3-4 times a day.

Increased sweating

Tablespoon of the bark of Viburnum pour a glass of cold water and boil, simmer for 10 minutes, cool. The resulting broth wipe your feet and hands every day, several times.

Kidney stones and gall bladder

It is believed that in order to get rid of these ailments enough alone seed viburnum. For these purposes ingest daily to 15 seeds per day, one at a time.

Acne, skin diseases

Lubricate the affected places fresh juice viburnum berries. Also take an infusion of berries. To make it, take 1-2 tablespoons of fruit and pour a glass of boiling water, carefully wrapped and insist 2 hours. Drink 150 ml reception slightly heating and little honey, up to 5 times per day.

 Gastritis (with low acidity)

One tablespoon of Viburnum berries take 200 ml of boiling water, pour, infuse for half an hour. Drink 200 ml three times per day.


To 1 cup of water to take a tablespoon of the bark of Viburnum, boil, cook on low heat for about 30 minutes. Cool, strain, take 150 ml to 4 times a day after meals.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: reading, bone, property, contraindication