How to handle the ear after a puncture

How to handle the ear after a puncture
 Ear piercing - is one form of piercing, known since ancient times. Beautiful earrings can enhance the beauty of women's ears and eyes glitter. But the joy of opportunities to strengthen its appeal may be short-lived if properly treat your ears after a puncture.
 Before his visit to the piercing parlor is recommended to consult a dermatologist. Some people have skin is prone to the formation of keloids and granulomas, which may be a contraindication to the ear piercing. Furthermore, the procedure is prohibited in the presence of serious chronic and infectious diseases, weakened immune system.

Refer to the good expert who will be able to choose wisely point puncture. This is very important because focused on the earlobes multiple active zones, responsible for the normal functioning of internal organs. Note the needle procedure. They should be disposable and packed in sterile packages. And before you start manipulating the master tool must be processed and the puncture site with disinfectant solutions.

Immediately after the puncture in the ears can not insert a simple decoration of metal - earrings should be gold, silver or special medical alloy. Only these decorations do not allow inflamed ear lobe. Two or three times a day, wipe the puncture site with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide, without removing the shackles. Be sure to carry out the treatment after taking a shower or bath. But visits to the sauna or steam bath, as well as swimming in the open water, should be postponed for a month. Instead of alcohol, you can use cosmetics that are sold in the piercing parlors.

From the second day after the puncture earrings need to scroll. Do this several times a day and clean hands. Young children are often recommended to seal the hole medical adhesive. The advantage of this method is that the child will not be able to put on the wound dirt.

If the ear is still inflamed, increase the number of processing up to 5-7 times a day. When suppuration can use ointments and Levosin levomikol, but it is better not to self-medicate, and seek medical advice.

A month later, try to remove the earrings. Do this very carefully - locks jewelry has not yet been developed and is likely to unbutton with some effort. Discontinued earrings and puncture site thoroughly rubbing alcohol. Wear can be a couple of hours, but not later, because sores on the ears quickly tightened.

Tags: ear, Ambassador, ear care, puncture, processing, lobe