His Majesty calcium

His Majesty calcium
 Every woman wants to have beautiful hair, white teeth and strong, long and strong nails. It turns out that all this is impossible without a single element - calcium. It is this substance has a huge impact on the bones, nails, teeth, hair and human skin. Before running to the beautician, dentist or podiatrist trihologu and complain about problems with skin, hair and teeth, make sure you get the necessary dose of calcium.

Calcium - very important for a person macrocell. In the form of phosphate it is in teeth and bones. Calcium is involved in blood clotting, regulates osmotic pressure. Calcium ions are necessary for many processes in the human body: the production of hormones, muscle contraction, ektotsitoza.

Lack of calcium can cause diseases such as osteoporosis, tooth decay, acne, hypotonia, incoordination, muscle cramps, arthritis and arthrosis, and constipation.

But an excess of it could face serious violations of normal body function. There are stones in the kidney and urinary tract, increased blood clotting, increased blood pressure, disrupted muscles and nerve endings.

Requirement of calcium is dependent on age. Most of all it is necessary in childhood, in the period of intensive growth of the skeleton and teeth. At maturity, it is important to maintain normal levels of calcium in the body. Lack of this element in old age may face frequent fractures and microtraumas.

The main source of calcium is food for humans. Calcium-rich dairy products, meat, fish, legumes, poppy seeds, sesame seeds, nuts and lettuce. When complete and balanced nutrition person receives the appropriate dose of calcium from food. Children, pregnant and lactating women and the elderly to take extra vitamin complexes with calcium.

In fairness it should be noted that the calcium in its pure form is almost useless to humans. It is absorbed only in combination with vitamin D and C, magnesium, lactose. But with iron, oxalic acid and estrogen calcium is not absorbed at all. Therefore, choosing a vitamin complex, you should pay attention to what vitamins and minerals are part of it. It is important to make your diet to foods rich in calcium are taken together with iron, because then the digestibility of these substances will be reduced to zero.

Tags: man, breeches, lack of calcium, excess Majesty