Healthy breakfast for a good day

Healthy breakfast for a good day
 In today's hectic lives of many so hard to make time for a hearty breakfast, because they want to soak up the extra minute in bed. But it turns out, breakfast is a must with a crazy rhythm of life in which most people live.
 No wonder that there is a proverb: eat breakfast yourself, give it to a friend lunch and dinner - the enemy. Observant people many decades ago noticed a positive effect on the human body breakfast. In fact, a full breakfast energizes, improves performance and is the key to good health. How Come? Because a morning meal normalizes blood sugar, resulting in a dream as a hand shoots and the person is ready to work. Also, after a good breakfast, you will not be distracted by something to eat anything until lunch, which means that the extra weight does not threaten you. By the way, is very helpful in the morning there are those who want to lose weight.

Experts say that it is possible to understand at a glance whether a person had breakfast in the morning. If skip the morning meal on a regular basis, it will lead to a deterioration of memory and reduced ability to concentrate, learn and work. Therefore much easier to get up 15 minutes early and have breakfast, all day than to deal with the consequences of this lack of action.

What can and should be there in the morning? Much depends on your personal preference, but experts recommend to focus on healthy food. Ideal cereal combined with dairy products. Also, it is necessary to drink a hot drink that you like (coffee, tea, cocoa). If you do not particularly like porridge, it is recommended to make an omelet, cook (in the evening), chicken or fish to cook for a couple. Suitable for sandwiches cheese, and as bread, instead of favorite wheat, buy bread with bran or wholemeal.

Fruits and vegetables - a good addition to breakfast. Of them can make a salad or sandwiches. But if you prefer to have them in pure form apart from breakfast, then do it in about half an hour after the morning meal.

Remember that in the morning menu should not include the following products: sausage, smoked, fat, pastries, white bread, pastries, cakes and chocolates. They certainly will not make you healthier and more attractive, and most importantly - do not contribute to a successful and fruitful day.

Tags: Food, diet, breakfast