Five reasons to give up coffee

Five reasons to give up coffee
 Beliefs, myths, stereotypes, medical reports - all this can serve as a means for people to achieve certain goals. For example, if you prefer to eat in the morning hot coffee, but you need to quit, you can pick up at least five good reasons that will help you do it.  

Firstly, it is believed that coffee and substances contained therein have a negative impact on the functioning seredechno circulatory system, as well as pressurizing. As a rule, it is because of this circumstance is prohibited to drink coffee for people suffering from hypertension. However, this feature should make the drink to think everyone who cares about their health: you may want to reduce or fluid intake or altogether remove it from the diet. The authors of this discovery - Italian researchers, which gives added weight to the argument and credibility.

Have not you noticed lately that your dream has become more sensitive and restless and constant overnight guests became annoying insomnia? Of course, this can be attributed to many factors. However, if you remember about your goal, the most important information seems that coffee causes sleep disorders, increases nervousness, contributes to the overall rasbalansirovke nervous system. In certain situations, when you need quick mobilization, it even helps, but it happens rarely.

Look at the glossy magazines, on most pages, you will see Hollywood actors and actresses, with their famous white sparkling smiles. And what you see in the mirror? Most likely, your teeth will be amazed touch indefinite yellowish hue. What led to such a situation? As you probably already guessed, your favorite drink - coffee. Of course, the stars of the film industry abroad also pamper yourself with this drink, but along with them to their services - all the most modern and expensive technology to quickly and efficiently carry out teeth whitening. You also have to use a different way - a cheaper, but no less effective: give up coffee.

Fourthly, coffee improves blood cholesterol levels. This gives rise to a whole variety of negative consequences. If you believe the research of scientists from the Netherlands, in order to cholesterol increased by 6.8%, enough for a month to drink five cups of coffee in French.

Well, the last, is a serious and compelling reason to give up coffee coffee - a drug addictive and dependency. Want to refute this argument, want to prove that you did not tied to this drink and can withdraw it at any time without any effort? Excellent - give up coffee!

Tags: harm reason, persuasion, to dispense, otkof