Aphrodisiacs - activation of sexual desire

Aphrodisiacs - activation of sexual desire
 It's no secret that some foods stimulate sexual desire. People in ancient times used dishes that increases libido. Today, these old recipes are known to many.

If you feel that your sexual life is not as bright as before, then you should surprise your partner a romantic dinner. Preparing dinner, turn in his dishes, which have aphrodisiacs. The most famous lover - Casanova did not neglect such means.

Certain foods increase sexual desire, heated passion. Among the stimulants is as simple vegetables like onions. Onion is very popular in many cuisines of the world, including in Russian. Feel free to add it to soups and main dishes. In addition to the benefits of love, this vegetable contains a lot of useful features.

Exotic fruits such as bananas and almost all types of citrus fruits also are your assistants in the art of seduction. Citrus fruits have strong antioxidant properties. Antioxidants contained in these fruits, protect the genitals, helping them to function flawlessly, and enhance sexual arousal and orgasm in both men and among the fairer sex. Regarding bananas, they contain the enzyme bromelain, which is considered a substance stimulating the male libido. Due to the high content of calcium and B vitamins (especially riboflavin) bananas contribute to the production of testosterone the male body.

Olives are useful for both parties involved in sex. They enhance the potency, kindle desire and increase the number of sexual acts. Green olives are useful for men. Women should prefer black olives.

Spices are strong stimulants. Especially actively influence to incite passion spices that enhance blood circulation. Ginger, cardamom and even simple dill in antiquity were considered a means of impotence. Romantic dinner should not be too abundant, or your favorite just wants to sleep. Easy, nutritious and prepared with his own hands, he will make your sweetheart tremble with passion.

Tags: food, desire, product activation, arousal, aphrodisiac