The main and indisputable advantage of such a small exotic fruits like mandarin, is considered a high content of ascorbic acid (approximately 55%). Especially useful tangerines in the winter, because they are rich in vitamins, so it helps to strengthen the body and increase its protective function. Even during prolonged storage this citrus does not lose its useful qualities.
Vitamin D, contained in Mandarin, helps protect human bone damage (has protivorahinym property). Vitamin K assists in strengthening and maintenance of blood vessels, promotes their elasticity. B vitamins, which are contained in the fruits of mandarin, can improve metabolism and memory, normalize sleep. But this useful properties of exotic fruit does not end there.
In Mandarin contains a substance which has a decongestant and decongestant properties. Therefore, this sunny fruit is so useful and even necessary for the treatment of asthma and bronchitis. To clear the lungs and bronchi of the accumulated mucus, drink every morning a glass of fresh juice mandarin for a few days.
Mandarin frees man from abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea stops. Citrus fruit improves digestion and metabolism, is a preventive measure during infectious diseases, perfectly helps to quench your thirst. It is also recommended to include in the diet of tangerines people with intestinal infection and the presence of worms. The juice of this fruit has anti-fungal properties. Essential oil of mandarin used for relaxation and relieving muscle tension, as well as painful menstruation.