This is one of the most affordable types of mineral products, which helps in the treatment of many chronic diseases. Regular consumption of cabbage gives the body strength to fight with depression (vitamins A, B, B1), protects against premature aging (anti-oxidants) and prevents the risk of cardiovascular disease (iron). It contains large amounts of vitamin C and vitamin K and PP, which are beneficial to the growth of hair. It is important to introduce into your diet different varieties of cabbage, because each of them has its own unique properties. Cooking can be different, but it is especially useful in the cheese and pickled form.
This vegetable is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. It consists of pectin, vitamins C, E, T, PP, K, the B vitamins, as well as magnesium, calcium, iron, potassium, copper and cobalt. Due to the huge amount of beta-carotene, pumpkin is very useful for strengthening of view. It contains few calories, which makes it a good dietary product. In addition, it is well accelerates the metabolic processes in the body. Of course, the pumpkin is preferable to eat raw, for example, adding it to salads - so it retains all the nutrients. But you can use it in fried, boiled and baked.
The composition includes tomatoes carotene, vitamins B1, C, and K RR, organic salts and minerals. His daily intake improves digestion, mood and has beneficial effects on the nervous system. Antioxidant lycopene contained in tomatoes, reduces the risk of heart disease and stimulates the brain. They can be eaten completely in any form.
Beetroot - an excellent dietary product, rich in fiber, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and copper. It is the source of many useful acids, for example, folate and vitamin C. It contains useful in cardiovascular diseases, thrombophlebitis, digestive problems and anemia. To save all nutrients, beet is better to cook a whole.
This product contains very small amounts of calories but many useful substances, among which vitamins PP, E, A, C, G, and B. Of vitamins minerals present in celery iron, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, niacin and folic acid. It is useful in the fight against obesity, rheumatism, nervous disorders and diseases of the thyroid gland, and improves digestion.
This bomb vitamins and minerals - C, H, E, PP, B vitamins, iron, copper, nickel, potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorous, dietary fiber and pectin. They normalize digestion, strengthen the immune system, reduce cholesterol and has anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory action.