Hibiscus has a sour taste, and ruby red infusion. In folk medicine used for various diseases and their prevention. It is used to strengthen the walls of blood vessels as a means of normalizing pressure to reduce cholesterol. The drink helps to normalize metabolism, gastrointestinal tract, liver, gall bladder. Used as a means to help remove toxins from the body, increases the defenses of the immune system, so taken for colds, viral diseases.
All the advantageous properties of the beverage due to high contents of citric acid, malic, ascorbic, tartaric, and a large amount of amino acids, vitamin F and C. In addition, the proteins contained in tea, potassium, contributes to the restoration of electrolyte balance.
In hot weather tea helps reduce the temperature of the body, refreshes, charges vigor and energy. In cold - helps keep warm and not cold. Property is also seen in hot drinks to raise blood pressure in the cold - reduce. With regular use, you can refuse to tablets and normalize pressure with tea.
In addition to all of the above properties, the drink just very tasty and has a pleasant smell and beautiful color.
But Hibiscus has contraindications. It can not be given to children under one year of use of gastric ulcer with high acidity and gastritis with high acidity.
Methods for preparing the beverage can vary. The most useful is the tea that was brewed in the usual manner. To make it, you need to take a ceramic or glass dish, put a bag or 1 teaspoon of tea, brewed with boiling water, leave for 3-4 minutes and take a fresh drink. In tropical countries prepare compote of tea. To make it dry raw material is poured into the pot, boiled for 3 minutes, then filtered and used as the third compote dishes instead.