Cinnamon rose is a bush. In it reaches a height of 1, 5 m. The branches of his rare solid spikes. The bark on young shoots red with cherry tint. The leaves are pinnate-compound, on the lower side slightly pubescent and grayish. Flowers in rose hips single, relatively large, red. The fruit (Shipshina) - soft false berry reds, at a young age pubescent.
Briar blooms in June and fruits ripen in August - September. Healers particularly appreciate vysokovitaminnye species of wild roses. These fruit content of vitamin C is 10 times longer than in the famous black currants and 100 times more than apples. Also found in fruits vitamins B2. K, R. Rich rosehips carotene, sugars, tannins, pectin. Fruits contain citric acid and trace elements (iron, manganese, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium).
But generous in vitamins only properly collected and dried berries. Collect them until frost, as the thaw Shipshina loses its medicinal properties and is suitable only for syrup. When collecting rose hips have to be necessarily in dense working gloves, so sharp and fanged shrub. The fruits do not wrinkle and not pluck them with green sepals. Immediately raw materials are sent to drying. For this purpose it is spread and dried at a temperature of 90 ° C in an oven. Well-dried fruits are broken up in the hands and have a sour taste. Store them for 2 years.
Doctors prepared from Shipshina vitamins - water extracts, syrups, powders and tablets. Useful rosehip juice and fresh fruits are in confectionery.
Vitamin tea is prepared from a mixture of rose hips with rowan berries and cassis. The mixture is poured boiling water and insist hour. Strained and sweetened infusion well helps with exhaustion and weakening of the body, strengthens the immune system, treats anemia and atherosclerosis.
It is easy to cook the syrup from the hips. To do this, washed fruits pour hot water and put on fire. Boiled for 20 minutes with constant stirring. Mass squeeze through several layers of cheesecloth, and juice defend at least one day. The transparent layer is drained and sugar was added thereto in a ratio of 1: 1, 5, boiled until a homogeneous syrup.
Apply rosehips and as cholagogue. Broth is used for colds and Dog rose oil helps to plohozazhivayuschih wounds, dermatitis, gingivitis, stomatitis. Gives a good account Dog rose oil in cosmetology. It moisturizes dry skin and contributes to its rejuvenation.
There are contraindications to the use of drugs from the hips. Do not recommend to use it for people with ulcerative diseases of the digestive system, gastritis with high acidity and thrombophlebitis.
Nice lodge briar in his garden. Beautiful bush in summer and autumn, and when on the green foliage bright flash lit when Rose and fruit crimson drops.