Of particular importance is the method of heat treatment of products. Dishes, steamed, boiled, baked or stewed form the basis of an anti-ulcer diet. On dietary table is no place for fried, smoked, pickled foods. In the period of acute illness food pyurirovat desirable.
Another principle of Clinical Nutrition - granularity. At the dinner table, the patient should sit 5-6 times a day. Small portions, enters the stomach regularly have time to fully digest, not laying down a "heavy stone." You need to pay attention to the temperature and food. It should be neither too hot nor too cold. The optimum temperature limit: 15 to 65 ° C.
Extremely useful product for the restoration of gastric acidity is milk. Therefore, it must be present in the diets of the patient in pure form and in the composition of cereals, soups, sauces, desserts. If a person does not tolerate lactose in milk can add a small amount of coffee or tea.
The first dishes are prepared on carrot or potato broth or milk. In liquid adds a nice boiled grains (rice, oats, semolina and others.), Home-made pasta or vegetable puree. To improve the taste of the soup can be charged with a small piece of butter.
Be deprived of the patient and animal proteins. However, it is necessary to choose lean meats, poultry and fish. Beef, veal, chicken, turkey, rabbit, pike, walleye, etc. boiled, stewed, steamed or baked. You can also enter the menu dishes of minced meat and mashed: burgers, meatballs, souffle, dumplings.
The best side dish is vegetable soup or pudding, steamed. Preference is given to potatoes, pumpkin, zucchini, carrots, beets. Well tolerated by inflammation of the stomach and pureed porridge (buckwheat, oats, rice) and boiled pasta. Complement the main dish can easily be oil-egg or cream sauce.
Replace animal fats with vegetable. They significantly improve metabolism and promote healing of ulcers. Sunflower or olive oil can be added to porridge, soup, vegetable puree.
To make up for the loss of vitamins and minerals the body, healing the menu include broth hips, natural mineral water, raspberries, strawberries, strawberry, sweet, soft fruit, fresh sour vegetable juices. Of berries and fruit prepared desserts: cream, jelly, jelly, fruit drinks, etc.
Antiulcer therapeutic nutrition involves a number of strict limitations. Fall under the ban of any fatty meats and fish broth and on their basis, mushroom soup, bacon, spicy food and spices, all kinds of sausages, alcohol, canned food, including homemade ice cream, sweet pastries, rye bread. It is extremely important not to exceed the daily norm salt - no more than 10 grams per day.
In medical hospitals for patients with acute and chronic gastric ulcer prescribe the so-called dietary table number 1 with options 1a and 1b. In the initial phase of the disease comprise mainly food pureed porridge and "slimy" soups. With the improvement of the patient in the diet add cooked, but not pyurirovannye dishes that tone the body and restore the normal activity of the stomach. The decision on the duration of the diet made by a physician.