Food should be medicine and medicine, in turn, is bound to be a meal. Anyway, as claimed by Hippocrates. But today, the food lost the role of drugs and limit the role of fuel for the human body. Treated as people prefer achievements of the pharmaceutical industry. Maybe nothing?
After all, truly, tablets with a complex chemical composition "one cure, and another maimed." Is it worth it, for example, to swallow a pill for a headache, where you can get the milk with a spoon of flax seed or caraway tea? Anyway, these tools are recommended for headaches ancient Indian practice of Ayurveda discipline.
It is unlikely that the founders of the ancient science know about what level of stress a person will experience in the 21st century. But their funds from such manifestations of stress, insomnia, and work well today.
Sleep disorders practice Ayurveda advises to use such "medicine" as sesame oil, nutmeg, chamomile tea, milk, honey. When insomnia enough to massage the feet with sesame oil, a cup of tea, which have ¼ teaspoon grated nutmeg - and half an hour infant sleep is assured.
Another means of Ayurveda recipes - milk with honey. Honey (2 teaspoons) was added to the warm milk and drink this mixture before bedtime. Honey - all excellent sedative. 1 tablespoon of honey to 0, 5 cups hot (in moderation) of water you drink before bedtime able to lull better than pills donormila.
Foods with a high glycemic index also contribute to the appearance of calm and sleepiness as stimulate the production of tryptophan. Tryptophan is found in bananas, oats, dried dates, peanuts, milk, cottage cheese. So, grab a snack for half an hour before bedtime banana and a handful of dried dates, or drink a glass of warm milk - a cure for insomnia caused by daily stress.
Turkey - the most rich in tryptophan product. Of course, eat meat at night - not the best idea. But here's the dinner a few hours before bedtime with a piece of turkey with a salad of green vegetables - which means to secure a full and wonderful quiet night's sleep. At worst, you can eat an hour before bedtime small sandwich (carbohydrates) turkey (tryptophan). But, of course, in all should comply with the measure.
Food can actually be medicine. And the abundance of "food" remedy for insomnia - a direct proof. But if all the means are tried, and the dream is still running from the bed, you should go to the doctor, because sleep disturbances may be a symptom of a very terrible disease.