In addition to vitamin C in orange pulp There are also vitamins B1, B2, A and P. themselves the fruits and their juices contain minerals so necessary for the life of the organism. Oranges traditionally used for the prevention and treatment of hypovitaminosis and avitaminosis, as well as diseases associated with lack and excess of vitamins.
Orange juice improves digestion and awakens the appetite - which is why it is recommended for low acidity in the stomach, reducing the biliary excretion and prevention of chronic constipation. Oranges contain pectins which reduce the amount of intake materials, thereby preventing the development of decay processes in the body.
Regular consumption of oranges recommend that people with high blood pressure, various diseases of the heart, problems in the musculoskeletal system, diseases of the liver and respiratory tract. In carrying out various experiments, the scientists proved the enormous benefits of these fruits to recover bones and reset excess weight.
An interesting fact is that the greatest amount of vitamins was not detected in the flesh and in the skin of the fruit. That is why many drink fresh juices from raw oranges, although juice prepared in this way, it turns out quite bitter.
Trace elements contained in the fruits of the orange tree can enrich the body again and again. Thus, a simple orange able to be able to become a delicious preventive measure that can protect against colds and other ailments.
But like any other gift of nature, orange, and may cause serious harm to health. Excessive consumption of oranges can provoke allergic reactions and cause diabetes, but if you suffer from diseases of the digestive tract or stomach ulcers, oranges, like other citrus fruits are best eaten in moderation.