Soy and its effects on the body

Soy and its effects on the body
 Today there is no light on the more controversial product than soy. Disputes between supporters and opponents of soy times overshadows controversy class enemies such as vegetarians and meat eaters. Soybeans offered whatever panacea (say, Japanese who use soy products in 30 years look at 18 and live to nearly a hundred years), this poison, the use of which leads to dementia, depression, mental disorders and the like.

Supporters of the use of soy affirm that the product - a real storehouse of nutrients and valuable protein, is not worse than an animal. Opponents of soy assert that the use of products from it increases the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease more than doubled. Where is the truth and fiction?

The benefits of soy

In fact, scientists have found that soy beans are extremely rich in protein with an almost perfect combination of amino acids. In addition to valuable (and cheap!) Protein in soybeans contain a lot of medicinal substances genestein, phytic acid, isoflavones.

It's all over substance? Isoflavones - estrogen-like compounds is to prevent the development of some forms of cancer. Substance genestein stops the development of malignant tumors in the early stages. Phytic acid can inhibit the growth of tumors.

Soy products have proven themselves superbly as prophylactic agents. Their regular use reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, liver disease, diabetes, gallstones.

Soya - a source of high quality protein for people who are allergic to animal protein. Finally, soy contains a substance soy lecithin - youth substance that prevents aging of the organism. And the list of useful properties of soy Postal updated

Damage to soybean

However, opponents of soy products remains. For example, as a result of studies found that men who are a part of life regularly ate tofu (bean curd), to increase their chances to get a diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease in more than 2 times.

Men, twice a week regularly consume tofu, had a greater number of disorders of the brain, compared with those who did not eat soy. Also found that regular consumption of soy increases the risk of goiter (thyroid disease), autoimmune diseases.

Especially dangerous for children soy. Scientists have learned that children who are fed soy further 2 times more likely to suffer from diabetes. Eating soy during gestation slows the development of the brain (cortex) of the embryo. Children, which is the staple food soy (soy milk and other foods) often lag behind their peers in their development, have different deviations.

Perhaps in soy have nothing but good. Perhaps there is nothing but harm. Maybe all the harm of soybean - the result of a lobby of industrialists, raising livestock.

Think about how much money you need to grow a cow and her equal amount by weight of soy? How much is a kilo of soy products and kilogram of beef? Most likely, and the harm and benefit of soy greatly exaggerated.

Tags: body, use, damage, influence, soy lecithin