How useful prunes?

How useful prunes?
 Prunes - is not only a delicious fruit, but a product that brings great benefit to health. Especially useful prunes dried. Regular consumption of prunes enriches the body with a variety of useful substances, as well as satisfies hunger.

Extremely useful properties of prunes owes its special composition. It contains natural sugars (glucose, fructose and sucrose), pectin, cellulose, trace elements (K, P, Na, Ca, Mg and Fe), vitamins A, C and B, organic acids, tannins and nitrogenous compounds.

Regular consumption of prunes helps with lethargy, promotes physical activity and mood. The considerable amount of coarse fiber makes prunes excellent tool for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This is an excellent laxative and cholagogue. Also prune helps to improve skin condition.

Since prunes are very rich in potassium, its eating improves the water-salt balance, that the most positive effect on the kidneys. A variety of vitamins and a significant part of the iron content makes prunes indispensable product for beriberi and anemia. Prunes and has antibacterial properties: it is a devastating effect on the microbes that cause diseases of the oral cavity.

Another useful property of prunes undoubted is its ability to prevent cardiovascular disease. Even if cardiovascular disease is already there, eating prunes help in her treatment. As the latest medical research, particularly effective for prunes pressure regulation.

Dried prunes almost fully preserves the nutrients contained in fresh fruits. However, compared with fresh fruits, dried plums have a higher energy value. This property is dried prunes made him a popular dietary product. Only 5-6 dried fruit saturate the body perfectly, enriching it with the valuable vitamins and minerals, and dietary fiber.

In addition to the ability to have a positive impact on the body prunes and has a unique taste. It can be used as components of many dishes, from salads and compotes and ending with meat dishes. By the way meat dishes with prunes very long retain freshness, since it effectively suppresses the development of Escherichia coli, staphylococcus and salmonella.

Tags: health, benefits, property, prunes