How to restore digestion

How to restore digestion
 It happens that after the feasts begin to be felt heaviness in the stomach, and even pain. At the banquet table absorbed sharp, fatty and sweet foods, which often is the cause of indigestion. To restore it, you'll have to make some effort.
 The most proven means of restoring digestion - is oatmeal. Porridge oats has excellent enveloping properties, thereby regulating the work of the digestive system. In addition, it has the ability to assist wound healing

The first day only eat porridge Hercules at all meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner). Of course, it is necessary to prepare water. Use no flakes noodles and classic oatmeal, which is brewed in 15 minutes. It is necessary that the porridge was homogeneous, viscous consistency. It is advisable not to use salt at all. As a last resort, to make porridge taste you can add a pinch of sugar.

On the second day to the herculean diet can add some other products. But in this case, if you feel better. You can eat some cooked lean meat, a piece of cheese durum, a couple of rye crackers.

On the third day, if your digestion is improved, at lunch you can eat a serving of low-fat, best vegetable soup.

On the fourth day can almost go back to your normal diet. But this does not mean that you can overload the body again salted and smoked. Be dead. Dinner can easily salad or yogurt.

Even after returning to a normal diet, save custom herculean porridge for breakfast. Ideally would like delateto for a long time, but try to eat so at least two weeks. Remember that the British use oatmeal for breakfast throughout life.

Try to find out which of the products had on your stomach negative impact to abandon it in the future. Try to continue to give discharge their digestive system at least once a month.

Very good recipe for restoring people's digestion (and cleanse the liver): It is recommended to take a decoction of a mixture of burdock root, plantain and chicory (1: 1: 1). Pour the crushed roots of half a liter of cold water and simmer 10 minutes. Then let it brew, strain and drink this amount of broth per day. Take a decoction of 14 days, the course can be repeated 3-4 times a year.

Tags: stomach upset, digestion