How to determine the metabolism

How to determine the metabolism
 Metabolism is the set of biochemical and physiological processes, in which the body gets the energy needed for life. The essence of metabolism or metabolism is to obtain various substances from the external environment, and use their conversion products and isolation processing.
 Between the two major processes in the body - anabolism (synthesis) and catabolism (decay) in normal adult human dynamic equilibrium exists. Metabolic disorders occur in some pathological conditions. Thus, for example, hyperthyroidism usually increased metabolism and thyroid hypofunction in - on the contrary, reduced.

 Metabolic rate - the quantity variable and depends on many factors. To assess the metabolism of a particular person, a standard value has been entered. This is the main exchange, t. E. The minimum necessary for the body energy expenditure. Determine their standard conditions - on an empty stomach, in a state of emotional calm, lying at room temperature. Basal metabolism depends on age, sex, height and weight of the person. Its average value is 1 to 1:00 kcal per 1 kg of body weight. For men, the figure is about 1700 kcal, and women 10 per cent less.

 The process of determining the metabolism is important for the calculation of the required daily amount of energy. As a rule, these questions people are asking when they begin to gain extra pounds, or vice versa, to lose weight. Daily energy costs represent a set of energy expenditure at rest plus a working exchange. It is associated with physical activity, the more it - the worker exchange above, ie. E. The greater the amount of energy the body needs. Calculate the necessary amount for yourself daily energy can be based on the ratio of physical activity.

 If you work in an office, and the bulk of the working time is spent in a sitting position, the coefficient of physical activity for you is 1, 4, and the number of calories needed is not more than 2600. For the people involved in light physical labor ratio is 1, 6, and the number of calories 3600 per day. Classes are moderately heavy physical labor demand is already up to 4,500 calories a day, the coefficient of this activity reaches 2, 5.

 When mental work energy costs are lower than in the physical. However, if in this case there is an emotional arousal may increase power consumption by 20%.

 In order not to lose your weight and not gain extra pounds, you need to carefully monitor the quality and quantity of food intake. With food person receives materials for biosynthesis and cell renewal of the organism. The energy of the nutrients must be sufficient to maintain normal metabolism, but should not exceed the energy consumption of the organism. Otherwise, the result will be portions of the deposited oil. Food should be balanced in content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The ratio is normally 15%, 30% and 55% respectively. Caloric substances is calculated using special tables, and can obtain information about the calorie content of 100 g of product on the package manufacturer.

 To maintain equilibrium exchange veschestvv recommended to take at least 30% of food of animal origin. Breakfast should be 30% of the daily meal, lunch - 45%, dinner - no more than 25%.

Tags: substance pounds, energy, determination, exchange